Cleansing your energy on a a daily basis doesn’t have to be a long drawn out process, in fact many of the suggestions I make you may already be doing, but this is bringing more conscious intention to your activities.
Spend Time in Nature
By the sea, around trees, or walking barefoot in the grass are some of the most effective.
Elemental Bathing
Spend time in the sunlight and moonlight, feel their energies recharge and revitalise you.
Breath Deeply
Slow down your breathing, and breathe right down into your belly.
Try intentionally breathing in peace and calm, and breathing out any negativity and stress.
Cleanse Your Aura
Sweep your aura, the space immediately around your body, with with Aura Soma pomanders, a drop of essential oil in each hand, energy sprays, or by using a wand of the crystal selenite
Shake out any excess energy or negativity. Shake off the day, ready for the next one
Make Some Noise
Sing, use an instrument such as a drum or a rattle, use singing bowls or chimes. Allow the sound to bathe your energy, releasing anything you no longer need and recharging you.