Cut through the expectations and the ‘should’s’, as you get crystal clear clarity on what you really want and desire in life with this simple 5-step P.O.W.E.R. experience
Confused by what you think you should be doing with your life?
Fed up of feeling as if you’re taking two steps forward and one back?
Overwhelmed by balancing your needs with those around you?
Feeling as if life is just slipping you by?
I get it I really do
As a professional practitioner of kinesiology for 20 years, thousands of women have come to me to understand why they feel empty, lost, or just unhappy, especially when on the outside everything looks as if it should be great.
These women wanted to feel happy, deeply connected, and aligned with life. Instead they felt empty, confused and alone.
I created the P.O.W.E.R. experience out of a frustration of seeing amazing women stopped from taking action due to fear, indecision or simply not being able to see their own magnificence.
I thought to myself “I wish there was a 5-Step system to help women step into and own their inherent power”… and BOOM, the P.O.W.E.R. experience was born!
(Consider it an initiation into your own brilliance!)
I love blending the spiritual, the sacred and the practical.
Making the magical present in everyday life, and that’s exactly what I’ve done with this course.
I’ve taken the big questions of life:
“Who am I?”,
“What am I here to do”, and
“What’s my purpose in life?”,
and blended it with my 20 years of experience working with women to answer these questions, and made it practical, tangible and fun.
By the end of the experience you’ll have greater clarity on who you are, what’s important to you, and how you want to consciously create your life.
Because if not now when?
After seeing this process bring clarity to so many of my clients, I decided to make it available to everyone.
Whether you’re just starting your journey of self-discovery, or feel you’ve tried everything and still lack direction, this simple 5-step program will introduce you to a deeper level of yourself.
As women we can shy away from our power.
As a society we can have a corrupt understanding and relationship with power.
It’s time to call back your sovereign power, so that you can create a life that nourishes you on all levels. So that you can make clear decisions from a place of confidence, strength and alignment, and not a place of fear, confusion and overwhelm.
And that is exactly what we’re going to do in this P.O.W.E.R. program.
I’m going to show you how to reconnect, embody and embrace your power… step-by joyful-step.
This program has been sold for $297, but the people who can need this level of clarity aren’t always in a position to spend that money, I get that! I’ve been there too.
One of my key values is connection – it’s important to me that as many people who want to experience that deep connection can do so, and do so with ease.
And selfishly, I want to live in a world where women own their value and worth. Where they confidently take up space with their thoughts, feelings, needs, ideas and inspiration. One where women feel deeply nourished and fulfilled.
And I want this for you too.
I want you to be one of those women.
How much longer are you going to resist that call from within, that nudge from the universe that you’re meant for something more?
If you’re waiting for a sign… This is it, and it’s currently super accessible to you.
This could be the moment that changes everything for you…
Are you ready?
Let’s go!
P.S. If you’re still reading this and haven’t committed to yourself, I ask that you lovingly ask yourself:
“What’s really stopping you and how much longer are you going to allow it to do so?”
Taking action today could change your life forever. Saying ‘yes’ to yourself and your inherent P.O.W.E.R. could set you on the path to becoming the woman you’re meant to be.
Are you ready to meet her?
It’s time!