Sunlight and Moonlight Bathe in the light of the sun or the moon to restore and recharge your own personal energy, and that of your magickal tools. Crystals Place crystals such as selenite on your window sills to cleanse the energy of your home and clear energy...

Witchy ways to cleanse your space and clear your energy

Sunlight and Moonlight
Bathe in the light of the sun or the moon to restore and recharge your own personal energy, and that of your magickal tools.
Place crystals such as selenite on your window sills to cleanse the energy of your home and clear energy that enters it.
Carry a small piece of tumblestone, crystal such as amethyst, in your bag or pocket to keep your energy running clearly.
Use your besom besom to sweep away unwanted energies in your home. Start at the middle of the room and sweep towards the doorway, with the broom an inch or two above the ground.
Use a mini besom to sweep around your body’s energy system, clearing away any stale or stagnant energy.
Place salt in the corners of your room. Leave for 24 hrs and then sweep or vacuum away.
For your own energy, have a salt bath.
Burn dried herbs or incense to clear and uplift the energy of a room.
To clear your own energy waft the smoke around your body.
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