Transforming negative energy

Transforming negative energy

transforming negative energy

Throw Away Thursday is the reminder to cleanse and clear your energy and space.


On a piece of paper, write down something that’s been bothering you or has upset you.

Write in as much detail as you can.

Really let your thoughts, feelings and emotions flow out of you and onto the paper.


Light some incense and waft your paper through the smoke to clear away any energetic debris.

If you don’t have any incense, you can blow firmly across the surface of your paper with the same intention as the smoke; to blow away any energetic debris.


Somewhere safe and suitable, burn the piece of paper knowing that the fire is transforming any negative energy leaving your lighter, clearer and free of the drama.

If for any reason you can’t do this yourself, join me in the video below and we can clear it together:

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