MMM… New Moon magick and dreaming for the fun of it

MMM… New Moon magick and dreaming for the fun of it

Sent Monday 20th February 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life as you create a life you love living


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Today is the New Moon in Pisces.
The New Moon reminds us of the importance of resting, slowing down, or at least taking a breath. And it’s the perfect time to connect in with your inner wisdom to listen for its guidance.

The moon is currently moving through the sign of Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac. As it moves through Pisces it reminds us that things must come to an end so that new things can emerge.

One of my favourite aspects of the energy of Pisces is that it can help us connect us to our dreams, imagination and inspiration – this is the home of your power and magick, and yet aspects of ourselves that we can be quick to overlook or dismiss.

So, today we use the MMM’s to take a pause and reconnect to you the value of your imagination and dreaming.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

What do you need to release to find more peace?

We can often focus on doing more or becoming more efficient so that we can get more done and become more productive.

Even though the science tells us, and our bodies wish we’d remember, that we can actually get more done after resting, and feel so much better about it too.

When we create more space we can reconnect to what’s really important to us.

When we make this space the magick happens.


★ Tip: What can you quit this week? What can you consciously decide not to do, so that you create space for yourself to breathe and reconnect to your magick and what’s actually important to you.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” – ― Henry David Thoreau.”

Making the time to reconnect to your imagination and simply daydream about whatever delicious vision you feel called to dream into, is a wildly powerful thing to do.

Now isn’t a time for working out the ‘how’ you will make your dreams happen or as Thoreau said putting ‘the foundations under them’, that comes with the First Quarter Moon energy next week.

Right now is a time to dream, and with that Piscean energy, let yourself dream as big and deep as your imagination will let you, it will never be ‘lost’ or wasted time.

Notice if any resistance comes up for you as you prioritise daydreaming today. If so, where does that resistance/judgment come from?

Can you give yourself permission to spend 5-minutes daydreaming for no other reason than it’s fun and nourishing for your soul and creative self?


★ Tip: You can daydream with your imagination, by creating art, journaling, playing an instrument, moving your body… Dream in anyway that feels good to you!.

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Connect with your intuition

Take some time to connect with your intuition.

What message does your higher-self have for you?

During this New Moon, focus on asking questions around:

    • How to make a deeper connection to your spiritual self
    • How to connect to your sacred purpose
    • What you need to focus on to recharge your spiritual energy
    • What you need to leg go of
    • What needs healing in your life

To find these answers you could:

    • Journal
    • Use your favourite tool of divination
    • Meditate

    ★ Tip: if you’d love to become more confident interpreting the messages from your intuition, join me for my Introduction to Charm Casting class this Thursday.

    I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can dream more, come and let me know over in our community.

    With love and New Moon magick!

    Rebecca xo

    PS Don’t forget that if you want to learn how to use Charm Casting as a fun way of connecting with your intuition, join me this Thursday on my intro course: Join me for this live class

    Come and share your thoughts and experiences

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