MMM… Expressing yourself fully, when the world has other ideas for you

MMM… Expressing yourself fully, when the world has other ideas for you

Sent Monday 23rd January 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life as you create a life you love living


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We’ve just had the Aquarius New Moon, a time that reminds you to break free of any limitations that others have placed on you, or that you have placed upon yourself, so that you can celebrate and express everything that makes you, you.

Today we use the MMM’s to give yourself permission to express more of your own unique magick – making the world a little richer and more interesting because you’re in it.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

What holds you back from expressing your full self?

We were born knowing how to get our needs met. If we were hungry or wanted holding, we’d instinctively cry and (hopefully) someone would pick us up and give us what we needed.

As we grew older, we were taught to supress these same needs and desires. Perhaps parents, caregivers or teachers didn’t have time to listen to you sing and dance, perhaps they didn’t appreciate your artwork or wanted some peace and quiet.

Very quickly we learnt that when we ‘toned down’ our behaviour and demanded less from those around us, we could be praised for ‘being the good girl’ or being ‘mummy’s little angel’.

Later in life this led us to start asking, ‘who do I need to be to fit in / be accepted’ by this community of people?’

And slowly, slowly, drip by drip, by drip, we lost a little more of our connection to our true self. We toned ourselves down and forgot the sheer delight of expressing the fullness of who we have the potential to be.


★ Tip: Throughout the day, notice when you censor yourself and become curious about why you would do this – is it still a valid reason, or an echo from when you didn’t know there was another option.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to change you is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are so many pressures to follow a certain path in life, behave a certain way, conform to a particular way of being, that it can drown out your own true beliefs and desires.

Family, culture, society, groups, all having their own set of rules they want you to conform to.

Sometimes we can internalise these expectations and demands on us so much, that we start to believe they’re actually our own.

Some of these expectations may actually align with our own values and philosophy of life. And many may not.

We can try and ignore and override our true desires, but deep down we know. That knowing may start as a small, quiet feeling that something isn’t quite right… but it becomes bigger until it demands your attention, and you have to make changes.


★ Tip: Cleanse and clear your energy system of other people’s judgements and expectations with the energy alchemy meditations (£17)

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Express Yourself!

How can you express more of your true self?

You could:

  • Journal about something that has been on your mind
  • Write a poem (even if you’ve never done this before)
  • Draw or paint for the delight of it – not to ‘produce’ something or even finish something
  • Have the conversation you know you need to have
  • Wear something that represents more of who you are
  • Sign up to that class you’ve been putting off
  • Dance – even if you don’t think you can and even if it’s out of rhythm
  • Do something that makes you feel connected to your own values


★ Tip: Dance as if no-one’s watching, because they’re probably not! Or they’re not as interested in you as you think they might be…


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can express more of your true self, let me know over in our community.

Let’s express more magick!

Rebecca xo


PS. other resources that might enjoy:

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