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Check your emails, part 1 will be with you shortly!

In the meantime, here’s some articles you might find interesting:

How to Recognise a Message from the Universe

How to Recognise a Message from the Universe

I often get asked how to spot messages from the universe. It can be confusing as you can receive messages from the universe in so many different ways. To start with, know that you're most likely to receive messages via your dominant sense. If you're not sure what your...

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How to set powerful intentions

How to set powerful intentions

Most people love to set their intentions The beginning of the intention-setting process is fun and full of potential! You can dream until your heart is full, and then dream a little more. But unfortunately, not many people see their intentions actually come to...

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Logic or Intuition, Which is More Important?

Logic or Intuition, Which is More Important?

Our society values logic. We love to gather the information, and the more detail we can uncover, the better. We pore over it, analysing and comparing it to other data. Then we make a choice, confident that it’s right, because we made it logically and rationally....

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Awakening Your Intuition

Awakening Your Intuition

Today I want to share something from my book Charm Casting, I think it's an important reminder:   Everyone can access their intuition. Absolutely everyone. No exceptions.   Some people find connecting to their intuition easier than others do, but it’s a...

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How your body responds differently to intuition and trauma

How your body responds differently to intuition and trauma

I want to talk about the difference between fear and trauma responses in your body and your intuition. When you start to listen for your intuition, you become more aware of the feelings and sensations in your body. Not all of these sensations will be your intuition....

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Tap into your intuition to make better decisions in life

Tap into your intuition to make better decisions in life

Let’s face it, it can be hard to know what we really want.   I’ve had way too many women burst into tears when I’ve asked them that exact question.   “What do you want?”   Whether it’s life purpose questions, what they want to do at the weekend, or even...

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