Choose Your Reading Surface

Decide what you want to cast your charms onto.

You may just want to use a convenient table top.

You could find a piece of material that you want to cast your charms onto. Consider the material. What texture do you want? Will it be plain or patterned? What size do you want it to be?

To start with you may not want a piece of material that’s overly patterned, as you may find it distracting.

Choose the size of your material carefully; you don’t want it so big that the pieces get ‘lost’, and you don’t want it so small that the pieces roll off the edges.

Perhaps you have an altar cloth or a special piece of material that could be used.

You may choose to cast your charms into a shallow edged box, or on a serving tray, so your pieces are cast and stay in a defined area.

You can use the Charm Casting Maps, or create your own maps, to offer some structure to your reading.