It’s fun to make your own Charm Casting surface.
Whenever you make your own sacred tool, it will have special meaning and significance to you.
Making your own casting area will help you deepen the connection to your own readings and intuition.
You could make a casting mat out of material or from a box lid.
The pictures below show casting surfaces I’ve made; one is a box lid, and one is a shallow box file.
I like the box file, as when I’ve finished with it, I put my Casting Maps in the box file, close the lid and everything is stored away neat and tidy.
However you decide to create your casting surface, show up with intention and presence as you create it.
As you make yours, consider, what interests you, how you’d like to explore your answers more, in current readings, is there something you feel is missing from your answers? And then include them on your casting area.
You could include, but not limited to:
You could use different colours to represent different things, use stickers, scrap paper, washi tape, illustrations, draw, paint, sew…
The first image below, was the first throwing surface I ever made.
I decorated the entire lid with different types of washi tape I had.
You can see I clearly marked the surface into three vertical areas, and a ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ of the surface.
I used washi tape for the sides that represented the seasons and elements. So if I wanted a timescale for something, I would read the ‘season’ that the relevant charms landed next to.
There’s also lots of imagery to add another layer to the charms I cast.
However, I do not try and read everything on this surface with every charm. It’s only there for guidance, sometimes the imagery might seem important, sometimes it’s the grid.
I do not try and fit my reading to the casting surface, I use the casting surface as a way to offer additional insight if I need it.
This casting area is much simpler, mainly using the elements, represented by coloured paper, for guidance, but with a clear ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ on the casting surface.