Become a Modern-Day Witch
Reclaim your magick and create real change in your life
If so, you’re in the right place!
This course is for anyone who is ready to explore the world of witchcraft – crafting your inner-witch – and magick without the overwhelm. Follow the simple lessons, and you’ll go from ‘curious Witch’ to creating magick in no time (or at least, in your own time!)
Let it be simply, magickal
There’s so much information available today on all things witchcraft, spells and magic that it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. And then, when you do dip your toe in the water, it can seem like you need ALL of the tools: Cauldrons, wands, brooms, candles (in every colour), herbs (in all varieties) and crystals (in every shape, colour and variety)… But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn’t be this way to start with.
My philosophy is that:
It’s great to have all of the tools to play with, but they’re not necessary. You – not the tools – bring the magick. This self-paced, on-line course; Become A Modern-Day Witch shows you how to get the essential foundations in place to practice, safe, effective and fun magick. That way, when (or if) you decide to add in some tools, you can use them to direct and amplify intentional magick, instead of confused, doubtful or overwhelmed magick.
Clear intentions = clear results.
Confused intentions = confused results.
Once you work through Become A Modern-Day Witch, you’ll have the perfect foundations in place to add in any of the tools that suit your style of magick. But let’s start simple. As a friend of mine says: “Simplify to amplify”.
Demystifying Magick
This On-Line Course Will Help You To:
- Have a clear understanding of what magick is, and what it isn’t.
- Understand how to weave your magick safely.
- Create a Book of Brilliance to record all of your magickal adventures.
- Understand how to attune your magick to the natural rhythms that flow around and within you for greater success.
- Learn simple ways to amplify your magick for better results.
Fundamentals of Magick
- The 4 essential codes for being a Modern-Day Witch
- Magickal Safety
- Magickal record keeping – including templates for you to use
- The external rhythms that influence you and how to work with them

Creating Magick
- Understanding how to add magick to your intentions.
- The use of correspondences and how to use them if you don’t have (or want) all of the things
- Magickal tools to support YOUR type of witchery – hint: you don’t need everything.
- Casting spells that actually work.

Living the Magick

Remember: you can’t skip the basics.
Not in learning to drive a car, bake a cake OR weave magick… If you try, your magick will lack depth, and your results will be sporadic and disappointing at best.
Unfortunately, this is why many magickal people give up and think that they’re just not magickal enough.
But in reality, they just didn’t have the right foundations in place.
With this course, you’ll get the foundations you need to weave consistent magick that brings about the real and lasting change you desire.

Such as these beautiful printable pages for you to start to create your very own magickal resources.
#1 Self-Dedication Ritual

#2 Magick School
Access the recordings of the 6-classes from Magick School that were recorded in the Summer:
- Week 1: The Fundamentals of Magick
- Week 2: Why Energetic Health Matters
- Week 3: Spells and Directing Your Magick
- Week 4: Sacred Rhythms
- Week 5 – Living Your Magick
- Week 6 – The Importance of Ritual

#3 Craft Your Own Mini-Broom

Using the Course
Once you sign up you will be sent an email with your login details to access the course in your on-line portal.
You receive access to all modules as soon as you sign up. And have lifetime access to the course.
The course has been designed to be a practical course, containing lots of information for you to put into practice.
You could easily read throught the course material and watch the videos in a day.
But you’d get the most benefit from the course by IMPLEMENTING what you learn.
Complete the material in your own time. There’s no rush, take as long as you like to go through the material and slowly start to add more magick to your day and your intentions.
Taking action is where the real magick happens!