Listen. Because listening’s important:

Hi and welcome to the Re-Enchant Your Life reminder.

Your sacred pause in the day where you’re encouraged to take a moment to stop and tune into your inner wisdom and become present, so that you can reconnect to your personal power and confidently embrace who you’re becoming, as you Re-Enchant Your life and create the change you truly desire.

Today you’re being reminded to ground yourself.

As you expand your awareness and sink deeper into your truth and the truth of the world around you, it can leave you feeling different in a way that you may not have experienced before.

Different from your friends and family who may not understand what you’re now experiencing and wanting to talk about.

Doing a lot of this inner work, releasing the things that no longer serve you, and reconnecting more fully with your soul, your purpose and your passions can leave you feeling a little ungrounded.

This is great work, and feeling more connected to the energetic world can be very exciting, light and fun, but don’t neglect your physical body.

Yes, you are an energetic and spiritual person.

And you are in human form.

You need to ground your dreams and desires into the physical world so that they can become manifest.

Ground yourself.

Become deeply rooted in your own body and your own experience of life.

Feel connected and secure so that you can explore more of your truth.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as you sink into your own body.

Today’s SHEro Action:

Today’s SHEro action is to get out into nature, feel the sun on your skin, the grass under your toes, and the breeze against your face.

Feel your connection to Mother Earth as she holds you safe as you continue to expand your awareness.

Pause, and take a breath. As you feel deeply held by Mother Earth.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I stay centred and grounded as I expand my awareness.”

I’ll see you tomorrow for your daily reminder to Re-Enchant Your Life with me, Rebecca-Anuwen,

In the meantime, enjoy feeling grounded!



One of the most important things that I believe we need to do is become present.

To be deeply centred in your own body.

To be able to feel deeply and trust in ourselves and own experiences.

It can be fun and exciting to feel into the energetic world, but we also need to navigate the world and our humanness.

When we’re present, we have more clarity, we can make more confident decisions and set and maintain healthier boundaries.

One of the things I teach is about becoming more present and without fail people tell me time and time again that it’s life changing.

It’s life changing because we spend so much of our time thinking about the past or being anxious about the future. When we stop and become present, we feel grounded, more confident and clearer about who we are and what we want.

If you want to try this practice visit my site: and get free access to this simple technique too.


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