
Hello. I’m Rebecca -Anuwen, I’m delighted you’re here.

How to protect your energy during times of stress or overwhelm

Today I want to talk about a way to protect your energy.

When things around us are getting too much, particularly this time of year, and we’re talking about the un-should holiday season, and mayhem can be all around us.


Expectations and  ‘Should’s’ can leave you feeling exhausted

Whether it’s adverts telling us how you should behave right now, what you should be doing with your time, what a festive season should look like.

Now, I’m talking about festive season right now, because that’s when I’m recording this video, in December. However, this is good for any time you feel overwhelmed, any time you just feel like you can’t make a decision or things just feel too much.


The one simple practice you need to protect and maintain your energy

And it’s an exercise that I’ve taught many, many hundreds of people and it’s called the ‘purple bubble’.


It’s quick, easy and fun

The reason I use the idea of a bubble is because it’s fun and it’s playful. It’s like, who doesn’t have lovely memories of blowing bubbles. I’m 45 and I still love playing with bubbles in the garden with my little boy. It’s just brilliant. They’re so fun, and light and they’re playful.

And I want you to remember that in this moment of overwhelm, when things can feel too much and you just feel tired and exhausted, and that your energy is being pulled all over the place, to remember that actually you can come back to your sense of lightness. That you can come back to your sense of laughter and play, and you can do that from a very grounded place too.


Here’s how to do it

So imagine there’s a purple bubble around your body, it doesn’t matter if you can’t feel it or see it, just imagine that it’s there.

You we have this beautiful space around you. We use purple because we’re tapping into something called the violet flame of transformation.

And what that does, it’s like protective force field around your energy.

You want that bubble to be as close to you as feels comfortable.


Making it work for you

Now, some people like their bubble’s quite wide. Sometimes that feels really spacious for people, but sometimes it actually feels like there’s too much space there.

And so some people want it quite nice and snug.

So notice where feels good for you. And just move it, it’s your bubble. You can move it wherever you want.

As a little boy once said to me, “but what if it pops” and you have to remember, this is a magickal bubble and it’s not going to pop.

But also it doesn’t constrict you.

Your bubble has that element of movement. Which is why I also like the idea of bubbles, you know, bubbles have that kind of like oily sheen on the outside and they just seem to be naturally moving.


It’s so quick and easy you could try it now

So I want you to just imagine that purple bubble around you and just sit wherever you are, or stand or lie down wherever you happen to be right now, wherever you’re comfortable and just feel that bubble around you.


As natural as breathing

This bubble is a very protective space, but equally I like to see it more, more as a living being around us, more like our lungs. I like to imagine they’re like energetic lungs. So we breathe in and then we exhale what we don’t need. We bring in the nourishment we need and we exhale what we no longer need in our body.

And so I want you to see your purple bubble like this. I want you just to sit still for a moment. Just focus on your breathing. Breathing in deeply and exhaling fully.


Call back your energy from any drama

And then notice your purple bubble. Do the same. So as you breathe in it calls back your energy from wherever it’s been left and it comes back through your purple bubble, cleansed and cleared for your highest good.

Maybe there’s been an argument.

Maybe there’s a disagreement.

Maybe there was somebody telling you, you have to do it like this and you don’t want to, but you still feel agitated about it.

Just gently feel those strands coming back in with your breath. Just breathing in. And as they come through your purple bubble, they’re cleansed and cleared for your highest good.

So you can just bring your energy back to you very simply with your breath.


Gently releasing what’s not yours

And then when you exhale all of that overwhelm, all of that ‘stuff’ that you have in your energy system, breathe out.

Again, let that purple bubble just draw out what no longer serves and supports you.

Breathe out through that purple bubble, cleansing and clearing it as you give it back to the universe, it’s cleansed and cleared for the highest good of everybody involved.

And then breathe back in again, just bringing back the energy.

You don’t have to force it.

Just like breathing, it just happens naturally.


Your attention amplifies your power

But when we bring our attention to our breath. We breathe in deeper and exhale fully.

The same with our purple bubble. It’s always there holding our space, but when we bring attention to it, it does its job better and more efficiently because you’re now giving it extra support with your attention.

You can do that for as long as feels comfortable. Again, not forcing the breath, just with your natural breath.

Breathing in and calling back your energy.

And exhaling, letting those shoulders drop and just creating that space with your breath by breathing out. Exhaling, and dropping your shoulders, relaxing the jaw, softening the eyes.

The exhale is more important right now because we want you to come back to your own centre. And it’s really hard to do that when you’re buffered around by everyone else’s drama around you.


Leaving you feeling more centred

So once you feel a bit more relaxed and centered, just notice that purple bubble around your edges again. And know that it’s your protection. It’s your boundary between you and the world around you.

It’s not there as a defensive wall, like a five-foot-thick fortress around you trying to keep everything out.

But it’s a relationship with the world around you. It’s like your energetic immune system.


Bringing awareness to what’s actually yours and what ‘drama’ belongs to other people

When something comes towards you and you’re like, ‘that’s not mine’, so it doesn’t come in and unduly influence you.

And if it is yours, it comes through your purple bubble, but it comes through cleansed and cleared. Filling you up and nourishing you for your highest good.

So as you go about this festive time, and your daily life, every so often just connect with your purple bubble.

So if someone’s having a ‘bit of a moment’ and you don’t want to get involved, just feel your purple bubble protecting you, holding your space, reminding you of what’s yours and what’s not with our energetic immune system.

Always just checking:

‘Is that my drama?’

‘Is that my emotion?’

Oh, actually,

‘I’m protecting my energy.

‘I’m keeping my power for me. I’m keeping my energy for me.’

‘I’m choosing not to react.’

‘Instead, I’ll just sit here and I’ll take a moment or gather my thoughts. And then I will respond in a way that feels good instead of adding fuel to the fire that’s already lit’.

And so it just gives us that moment just to check in with yourself.


Giving you space to get clarity

It gives you that moment physically, but it also gives you that moment energetically to create space.

Because often when time gets busy, it can feel like everything’s in our face and we don’t have time.

It can feel like you’re trying to run to catch up with yourself, but when you can take a moment to pause, just to settle your energy, feel that loving support, that nourishment around you. It can just feel like you’re pushing everyone else’s stuff away and  out of your energy system. Giving you a moment to pause.

It gives you a moment to breathe and come back to your own centre so you can make your decisions from a calmer, clearer space.

I hope you find that helpful.

Come over into our community and let us know when you use the purple bubble and how did it change your energy?


It’s not just for the holidays

I know many, many people that use this and it’s a really, really powerful way for them just to come back to their own energy.

You can use it in any situation. I’m talking about having an un-should festive season right now, because that’s where we are. But at work if you’re going into a meeting and you know it’s going to be tense, put that purple bubble around you.

Take a moment.

When you go into the city or when you’re going somewhere when you feel like you just need to stay grounded, put that purple bubble up. Feel that protection around you.

If you like hugs, imagine it’s like a hug around you. If you prefer your personal space imagine it more like a shield around you, just holding you, safe, holding your energy steady, helping you to maintain your energy and just keep any nonsense out.

Next Steps

Reset Your Energy




Life happens, and sometimes it can leave you feeling less than your best self.

Clear the build up of energetic gunk, leaving you free to reconnect to what's really important to you once more.