Listen. Because listening’s important:
Hi and welcome to the Re-Enchant Your Life reminder.
Your sacred pause in the day where you’re encouraged to take a moment to stop and tune into your inner wisdom and become present, so that you can reconnect to your personal power and confidently embrace who you’re becoming, as you Re-Enchant Your life and create the change you truly desire.
Today you’re being asked to remember the truth of who you are.
Who were you before the world told you who you should be?
Before it moulded you into who it wanted you to be?
It’s time to return to your natural state of being.
The one where you feel whole, fully alive and aligned with your heart and soul.
The you who is weighed down, possibly hiding, under a lifetime of other people’s expectations, should’s and judgements.
The you who comes first if you weren’t prioritising the needs of others over your own.
Can you feel her within you, perhaps you catch a glimmer, or remember a time when you felt full of your own radiance and didn’t hold back?
Are you ready to remember, reawaken and reclaim more of her, all of her?
How would your life be different if you created your life whilst fully embodying your truth?
You are ready!
It’s your time.
I’d love to meet her.
Let’s go!
In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as remember the truth of who you are.
Today’s SHEro Action:
Today’s SHEro action is to think back to the things that brought you joy as a child.
How did you love to express yourself, what activities could you lose yourself in for hours?
These are the clues of the things that really bring you alive, the things that are important to you. These clues bring you closer to remembering your truth.
Are they still present in your life today, if not, how can you bring more of them back?
Watch a small child who is confident that they are safe and loved. They have no reservations in showing up fully and expressing themselves and their truth and of course their full range of emotions – often at the top of their lungs.
How can you be more like them in this way; Taking up space and airwaves with what’s important to you?
Pause, and take a breath. As you focus on what makes you feel alive.
Today’s Affirmation:
“I remember my truth”
I’ll see you tomorrow for your daily reminder to Re-Enchant Your Life with me, Rebecca-Anuwen,
In the meantime, enjoy embodying your truth as you walk Your SHEro’s Journey!
I wish you the confidence of my little boy.
He’s only 5, and has recently been really getting into swimming.
It was only a few months ago that he didn’t even want to venture into the deep end of the pool, now he loves diving in.
A few weeks ago he was in a different class.
There was just three of them in the group, and he was clearly the weakest swimmer of the group. Well it was clear to me.
He was doing great, but the others were just stronger swimmers than him.
When they swam the first length, I heard the teacher ask the group how the swim was.
My little guy beamed that
‘It was great!’
And when the teacher asked who wanted to go first on the next length, he shot his hand up and enthusiastically announced he would love to go first.
He was loving it.
He was slower than the other children, his technique wasn’t as good, and he just didn’t care.
He wasn’t comparing himself to anyone else, he was just having a great time learning a new skill.
He knew what he was doing and knew that he was improving, and I’d love to say that he was just staying in his own lane, but he was swimming not really in a straight line at all.
But he showed up and kept trying and doesn’t know or care that he’s not currently as good as people, he’s just having a blast and being true to himself.
And like I said, I wish that confidence and happiness for us all, and I hope he keeps it for as long as he can.