Listen. Because listening’s important:
Hi and welcome to the Re-Enchant Your Life reminder.
Your sacred pause in the day where you’re encouraged to take a moment to stop and tune into your inner wisdom and become present, so that you can reconnect to your personal power and confidently embrace who you’re becoming, as you Re-Enchant Your life and create the change you truly desire.
Today you’re being encouraged to become still.
No matter what’s going on around you, in your environment, in your mind, or in your relationships, find some time to be still.
Physically become still and let your thoughts pass through like clouds; notice your thoughts but don’t become attached to them, just watch them drift slowly on by.
As your body and mind relax, notice the noise within, the noise that you may not have even realised was so loud, and notice how that begins to calm too, and as it does pay attention to the quieter, more subtle voices that are trying to get your attention.
What messages do they have for you?
What are they nudging you towards or away from?
Sometimes it’s easier to get busy, rather than spend time with ourselves.
Silence can also feel uncomfortable as we have become accustomed to the constant noise and distractions of the society that we live in.
If stillness does make you uncomfortable, why is that, do you not trust yourself, are you resistant to listening to the intuitive nudges that you’ve been pretending not to hear, or do you feel uncomfortable with being intimate with yourself in this way?
Becoming still allows you to feel deeply connected with yourself, and the world around you. It helps you to remember the truth of who you are.
Within the stillness you start to remember who you are, which is essential as we’re surrounded by a noisy world that tells you how it wants you to be.
In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as you sink into stillness.
Today’s SHEro Action:
Today’s SHEro action is spend some time with yourself in stillness.
Find somewhere where you can get comfortable and that is as quiet as it can be.
And then just lay down or sit down, with just yourself.
No music, no phones, no background distractions.
Notice how you feel.
Is this peaceful and nourishing for you, or do you feel guilty for doing nothing?
Enjoy this stillness for as long as you can – even if it’s only for a few minutes.
Focus on your breath, rhythmically breathing in and out, in and out.
With each breath relaxing a little more and connecting a little deeper with yourself.
Pause, and take a breath. As you become increasingly comfortable with stillness.
Today’s Affirmation:
“I give myself the space to be still and connect deeply”
I’ll see you tomorrow for your daily reminder to Re-Enchant Your Life with me, Rebecca-Anuwen,
In the meantime, enjoy the stillness!
Being busy, how does it serve you?
For some it’s a badge of honour, others it’s almost an addiction, some have a fear of missing out and others can be trying to prove their worth.
What’s behind your busyness?
For me, being busy was a way to hide from decisions I didn’t want to make.
Because how could I possibly, make huge life choices when I was too busy to have the time to actually acknowledge what I wanted and needed, let alone plan and have the conversations I needed to have or take the actions I needed to take.
It was really brought home to me one day in one of my first jobs.
I was amazing at running a team that was in crisis.
If there was an emergency, I was your woman.
Short of staff, emergency cases, no-notice inspections, no worries… I had it covered.
No drama too big, I took it all in my stride.
And whilst that’s great to be able to do that, you certainly need people that can, my boss at the time pointed out that I thrived in that environment, because it meant I didn’t have to focus so much on the everyday mundane tasks.
Wow – that hit home, so true.
I thought the value was in managing the crisis. But in reality, we need to spend more time managing the day to day mundane stuff.
And that means sitting with ourselves, knowing what we really do want in the mundane day to day of life.
In reality, the huge changes don’t come about that often, or at least that regularly in most of our lives, but it’s the day to day, moment to moment choices and changes that we manage that has the biggest impacts on our lives.
And you become skilled in making the day to day choices, in the stillness, the apparent mundane, because when we can make our choices from here, we make them from a place of inner power, a place of conscious choice, rather than from the noise and overwhelm or expectation and obligation.

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