Physical Self-Care

Physical Self-Care


Last week I started a series of posts that walk you through the  stages of Self-Care, and we looked at Emotional Self-Care for when you’re going through change.

I shared how this related to Waning energy of The Moon, and The Transformation stage of Your SHEro’s Journey.

Today we look at how the energy of the New Moon moon relates to the energy of Physical Self-Care and the energy of The Return on Your SHEro’s Journey.

During The Return stage of the Journey, is where you will need to be at your best physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

This is your defining moment of your journey. Despite any final obstacles, you’re determined to complete the journey and return home.

Yes, you could wait to be rescued. But some part of you knows that NOW is the time to invoke your inner SHEro and save yourself. It’s time to feel empowered like never before.

Physical Self-Care

Physical Self-Care is more than just bubble baths and spa days.

Physical Self-Care is to bring you back to centre, to connect you to your grounded, physical presence.

To connect you with the sacred container that is your body, so that you learn to recognise and trust the signals she sends you.

Physical Self-Care is essential so that you can re-establish your boundaries – physical and energetic.

When your boundaries are strong(er) it’s easier for you to recognise where you end and other people begin, so that you don’t pick up their emotional and psychic ‘smog’, which leaves you vulnerable to betraying your own needs, and succumbing to the judgements and expectations of others.


Your body is incredible!

No matter what we do to them they keep showing up and doing the best they can.

Your body allows you to experience the world, to give and receive love, it has the ability to fill you with pleasure and delight through your senses.

It’s in our bodies that we hold the wisdom of the mysteries; our intuition, our inner-knowing, our meaning and purpose.

This week is dedicated to this sacred container as we focus on reconnecting to your incredible body and allowing yourself to celebrate, nourish and replenish her.


To help you do this, I’ve created another Self-Care Bingo card for you to have fun playing.

You can download the image, or print off the pdf version below:

Download the PDF version here

*The SACRED Practice can be found here



And here’s an invocation for you to repeat as often as you wish, to deepen into your own wisdom.

Emotional Self-Care for Going Through Change

Emotional Self-Care for Going Through Change

Change can be hard.

There’s no question that when we’ve chosen to make a change in our life, the decision can be easiest part.

We make the decision to no longer accept something.

We know we need to make the change.

We declare to ourselves that we’re going to change, and that’s when the challenge begins.


But right now things seem harder.

We find ourselves in a situation that we didn’t choose.

We’ve had change, in pretty much every area of our life, thrust upon us and we have to adapt.

This can often feel like the hardest type of change, as it can feel as if our choice has been taken away from us.

And whilst we might understand the changes required, sometimes that doesn’t make it much easier…


Support For You.

To support you navigate these unprecedented times, I’ve put together a fun, but important, check-in for you.

I’ve called it:

Self-care for when you’re going through change.


When we’re under stress or pressure of any kind, our self-care, in any form, can be the first thing that gets pushed to the side, but of course this is when we need it most!


A Shared Journey.

So, I thought I’d guide you through a self-care adventure, as we take this shared journey through a global SHEro’s Journey.


Each stage of the SHEro’s Journey has a particular theme of self-care to support you as you travel through it.

However, as we’ll all be on our own personal part of the journey, I’m going to connect us with the archetypal energy of the journey, guided by the cycle of the moon.


The Moon Grounds Us Into a Rhythm.

The moon phases can act as an anchor.

We all experience her phases and the changing energy at the same time, but we experience it in our own way.

We are currently in the energy of the Waning Moon, and that relates to the energy of Emotional Self-Care.

On the SHEro’s Journey, this time relates to the energy of The Transformation.

During The Transformation stage of the Journey,  is where you’re likely to feel the most emotion. You may be confronted with aspects of yourself that you’d rather keep hidden. But this is when it’s most important to take a long, hard look at yourself.

It’s time to take the journey within.

Anything inauthentic that you’ve been showing to the world is about to crumble away, leaving you with only your True Essence. This may hurt. You may feel vulnerable. Tears are likely – but this is where the real treasure is!

Emotional Self-Care

To help you focus on you.

To bring you back to centre.

To remind you that it’s not only okay to have emotions, but they need to be witnessed and honoured too, I’ve created a ‘Bingo card’ for you to check off.

It’s just something fun for you to check-in with yourself and see how you’re feeling.

It’s to help remind you to prioritise you.

It’s support you through this stage of your journey.

You can download the image, or print off the pdf version below:

Download the PDF version here

*The SACRED Practice can be found here



And here’s an invocation for you to repeat as often as you wish, to strengthen your belief in yourself and awaken your inner-power.