Listen. Because listening’s important:

Hi and welcome to the Re-Enchant Your Life reminder.

Your sacred pause in the day where you’re encouraged to take a moment to stop and tune into your inner wisdom and become present, so that you can reconnect to your personal power and confidently embrace who you’re becoming, as you Re-Enchant Your life and create the change you truly desire.


Today you’re being reminded not to fear your own power.

You are a powerful being.

You have the ability to create and destroy within you.

And yet, as natural as this power is, as much as it is an inherent part of your being, you may have been taught to fear your power, and to avoid it altogether.

This can be especially true for women who have traditionally been told they should be caring, loving and nurturing.

The mothers, the caregivers, the compassionate friend, the people who should put other’s before themselves. Who are often taught that as women they’re expected to prioritise the comfort and well-being of others over themselves.

Power can be seen as a dominant force, aggressive in nature, and both of these are generally considered by ‘polite society’ as not becoming of a woman.

And to this I would swear, but instead I will choose to say – what a load of rubbish.

As a woman you have the power to create, whether that’s children, poetry, stories, cakes, art or ideas.

That power to take an idea, a seed, and birth it into the world is incredible.

This is not a power over, or a dominating power.

It is power with.

A power that co-creates, that harnesses the energies that swirl around you and within you.

Yes, this power can be fierce, think of a mumma bear protecting her cubs, or the power of a mother nature.

This power is needed to bring change, to protect that which you care about.

Don’t suppress your power, when you do so, you turn it inwards, and all sorts of symptoms can occur because of that.

Embody your power, dance with your power, make friends with your power.

What does it want you to do?

What does it want to co-create with you?

How does it want you to embody it?

Your power is already within you, it’s time for you to embrace it.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as you feel into your inherent power.


Today’s SHEro Action:

Today’s SHEro action is to think about your relationship with your power.

What are your experiences with women who you consider to be powerful?

As you were growing up who were the powerful women in the books and films you read and watched?

Did they have power over others, or power with others?

On a scale of 1-10 how powerful do you feel?

What needs to change to increase that number?

Pause, and take a breath. As you open yourself up to your own power.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I am a powerful woman”

I’ll see you tomorrow for your daily reminder to Re-Enchant Your Life with me, Rebecca-Anuwen,

In the meantime, enjoy dancing in your power as you shimmy along your SHEro’s Journey!



Our relationship to Power can be warped, especially as a woman’s power is less about strength and dominance, but more about her inner power and inner knowing.

I believe the seat of a woman’s power resides in her ability to hold the void, to hold the darkness, the energy of the energetic womb space (no physical womb necessary).

In the darkness we have the ability to create from just a seed, the seed of an idea, the seeds of possibility.

Yet in our culture we’ve been taught to fear the darkness.

We’ve been told that in the darkness is where the monsters reside.

Now obviously, I’m not talking about being careless and walking down dark alleys that you know to be dangerous… but we need to learn to re-embrace the darkness.

In the darkness is where we connect to our intuition, it’s where we have deep inner knowing, it’s where we trust our feelings, it’s where we know what can’t be explained.

In the darkness is where we nourish and nurture ourselves, we go to sleep we close our eyes and sink into the rest of darkness, when we kiss we close our eyes and sink into the pleasure in the darkness.

It’s in this darkness where a woman has her sense of power and yet society tells us to be afraid of the darkness, to be afraid of this power, to distrust it, to disown it.

It’s time to reclaim the darkness, to reclaim that inner power.

The power of creation, the power of intuition, the power of inspiration, the power of the mysteries, the power of trusting yourself, the power in not needing to have all of the answers, the power of stepping forward just because you know it’s the right thing to do.

Your power lies in learning to trust yourself once more and that power lies within the darkness.  


If you enjoyed this and want to re-enchant your life some more, come and have a look at what I’ve created over on Patreon (no subscription needed!)