Listen. Because listening’s important:

Hi and welcome to the Re-Enchant Your Life reminder.

Your sacred pause in the day where you’re encouraged to take a moment to stop and tune into your inner wisdom and become present, so that you can reconnect to your personal power and confidently embrace who you’re becoming, as you Re-Enchant Your life and create the change you truly desire.


Today you’re being reminded to embrace the challenges on your path.

As you move towards your dreams and desires, it’s inevitable that you’ll come up against obstacles and challenges.

Some of these challenges will be a signpost pointing you in a new direction, others will be a chance to assess if you’re heading in the right direction.

Other challenges are there to be broken through.

Break through, break free, and break open.

Each challenge you meet, is an opportunity to pause and reflect.

A moment too check in with yourself to ensure you’re heading in the direction of your own choosing.

Each challenge offers you the opportunity to become more resilient as your inner resolve becomes stronger.

When you meet an obstacle, get quiet and go within,

Listen to your inner wisdom for your course of action.

Just because it may appear to be hard, messy or uncomfortable, doesn’t mean that it’s not right for you.

Growth can only occur when you break free from who you thought you were.

The same is true for now.

Summon your courage and keep going.

Know that the mess and the discomfort will be worth it.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as you feel yourself expand beyond your current limits.

Today’s SHEro Action:

Today’s SHEro action is to think about a current challenge or obstacle that you face.

Notice what’s holding you back – is it a fear, a limiting belief, circumstances, a person or resource?

Address this – ask for help or guidance if necessary.

Now is the time to step up, to gather your courage and to use your resilience.

Keep your focus on how your life will be once you have overcome the challenge, and then keep going.

Pause, and take a breath. As you allow yourself to break free.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I move beyond any limitations placed upon me”

I’ll see you tomorrow for your daily reminder to Re-Enchant Your Life with me, Rebecca-Anuwen,

In the meantime, enjoy becoming stronger!



In the spiritual world there’s much talk about flow, and knowing that you’re on the right path when everything flows with ease. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for some flow and ease, but I also think we’ve made a mistake in how we think about flow.

Yes, for sure there are points in my life where things have almost had a miraculous quality about them, and I certainly feel in flow most of my life.

And yet I can also feel in flow when I come up against obstacles.

Many people have told me that when something has felt too hard, they knew they weren’t in flow, so they turned back.

They’ve equated ‘flow’ to mean that it has to be ‘easy’.

This is the part that I don’t agree with.

Yes, to allowing things to be easy, and also Yes to growing through challenges and challenging yourself to do better, Yes, to gaining and honing skills, Yes for overcoming challenges.

Growth is a natural part of life, and to grow we need some kind of resistance.

The mighty oak tree becomes so resilient as it’s had to ensure the wind and the rain, without which it just wouldn’t be as strong.

Sometimes obstacles are telling us we’re on the wrong path, sometimes they’re telling us we need to get better, stronger and learn something new if we want to get to the place of our dreams.

It’s our job learn the difference.


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