Sent Monday 27th February 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life as you create a life you love living


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Earlier this month I discovered that the word ‘February’ means ‘to cleanse’: The Latin, februarius mensis “month of purification.”

There was a Roman festival of purification called Februa, during which people were ritually washed.

I know we’re right at the end of February, but I still thought this was a great way to use today’s MMM’s to cleanse away what no longer serves you, so that you can create the space for what’s actually important to you.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

What does ‘letting go’ really mean for me?

We often talk about ‘letting’ go of things that no longer serve us, but what does that actually mean to you?

Releasing something from your environment is obvious, you can gift it, give it to the charity shop or throw it away.

    • But how do you ‘let go’ of your emotions and past events?
    • Can you ‘let go’ of something and retain the wisdom?
    • How do you ‘let go’ of something if you don’t want to / it wasn’t your choice?
    • And what happens if you don’t let go?


★ Tip: Journal around these prompts over the next few days and let yourself dive deeper into your relationship with ‘letting go’.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

I choose to put my energy into what serves me. This includes…

When we let go of things, it creates the space (and bandwidth) to focus on other things.

If you’re constantly thinking about one thing, it’s really difficult to effectively focus on something else.

We often talk about saying ‘yes’ to more opportunities and we can be celebrated for doing more things, but often the skill is in leaning to say ‘No’.

When we say ‘No’ we clear the space to focus on what’s actually important to us.

When we say ‘No’ to activities, people, and habits that don’t support us, or even things like gossiping, obsessing over things that didn’t go the way we wanted them to, it gives us the time and energy to reprioritise the things that do serves us.


★ Tip: Focus on what one thing, if you let go of, would give you the most relief/freedom/joy/space in your life and what would you do with that new found time, space and energy?

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Cleansing and release ritual

On a piece of paper, write down something that’s been bothering you or has upset you.

Write in as much detail as you can.

Really let your thoughts, feelings and emotions flow out of you and onto the paper.

Light some incense and waft your paper through the smoke to clear away any energetic debris.

If you don’t have any incense, you can blow firmly across the surface of your paper with the same intention as the smoke; to blow away any energetic debris.

Somewhere safe and suitable, burn the piece of paper knowing that the fire is transforming any negative energy leaving your lighter, clearer and free of the drama.

★ Tip: If you can’t burn your paper, join in and watch it in action here

I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can let go of what no longer serves you, so that you can make the space to enjoy more of your magick, come and let me know over in our community.

With love and magick
Rebecca xo

If you need some additional help letting go, these meditations are for you




Life happens, and sometimes it can leave you feeling less than your best self.

Clear the build up of energetic gunk, leaving you free to reconnect to what's really important to you once more.

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