MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

Sent Monday 15th May 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have


Join the newsletter below:

Yesterday I said to the members of my community that I was getting ready for Magickal Summer School and there was an audible gasp – yes, it really is that time of year again!

Last year, I ran a ‘Magickal Summer School – LITE’ – time sneaked past fast, last year, so I only ran a ‘lite’ version of Magickal Summer School.

This year it’s back and it’s better than ever, as it’s ‘Magickal Summer School PLUS’ – because this year to have you dive even deeper into your magick, I’m going to be available one day a week – so we can personally chat 1-2-1 about the topics and how you can really embody and live your magick!

I’m so excited by this I’ve even written the sign-up page already – and if you know me, you know that’s a big deal lol!

I’ll share it with you soon, but if you’re interested, this year there’s a focus on spellcraft and we start on June 27th (and yes there will be recordings available if you can’t make it live).

So, in celebration of all things fun and magickal, today we’re using the MMM’s to explore some very practical magick.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

How can you integrate magick into your interactions with others?

Our interactions with others can be powerful platforms for positive energy exchange. Whether these interaction occur in person or on-line, they have the ability to ripple out magick far and wide.

Think about possible ways to weave spells or blessings into conversations and interactions with others.

We can weave this magick by having intentional conversations and interactions or completing acts of kindness with a deliberate positive intent.

By focusing on the power of positive intentions, you create an environment conducive to uplifting and creating more meaningful interactions and connections.

Intentionally incorporating magick into these aspects of your life not only deepens your relationships but also creates a positive feedback loop of energy, setting the stage for manifesting more positivity in your life.

By intentionally spreading more magick and joy, you set a ripple effect of positivity in motion that benefits not just you, but also those around you.


★ Tip: Notice how being more intentional with your interactions affects your mood and the mood of those around you.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

Living a magickal life isn’t about escaping the world but about enriching it. It’s about adding a layer of wonder, intention, and joy to the everyday.

Living a magickal life isn’t about escaping life, but enriching our reality. It’s about inviting us to find the extraordinary within the ordinary and recognise

that everything is connected

By nurturing a sense of awe and curiosity and appreciating the beauty in everyday experiences, whether that’s the pattern of frost on a window, or the colours of a sunrise, is a layer of magick.

Another layer of magick is being intentional, such as being mindful and deliberate in our actions, like stirring morning coffee with a purpose or setting intentions before starting work.

Yet another layer is finding joy in small, everyday moments, acknowledging the magick in laughter, kindness, love, and even silence.

Living this way doesn’t guarantee a ‘perfect’ life, but it enables us to approach life with more curiosity, intention, and joy, helping us find beauty, meaning, and magick in every moment.


★ Tip: For the next week, notice what magick is present in your life each day.

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Start each day with intention

For the next week, start each day with a moment of quiet reflection.

Set a positive intention for the day ahead.

You could write this down in a journal or simply meditate on it for a few moments

You could set the intention to be something like, “Today, I will bring joy into every interaction,” or “Today, I will be open to new opportunities.”


★ Tip: Of course, to support you do this, don’t forget your Magickal Knickers! 😉


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can embrace the magick in the everyday. Come and share with us in our community.


With love and magick

Rebecca xo

Come and share your thoughts and experiences

and dive deeper with the conversation in our free magickal community.

   Already a member click here

   To become a member click here

Previous Newsletters

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

Sent Monday 15th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Yesterday I said to the members of my community...

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

Sent Monday 8th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Last week I shared that I've been in a super...

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

Sent Monday 1st May 2023MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Happy Beltane! (and Samhain for those in the Southern...

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

Sent Monday 8th May 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have


Join the newsletter below:

Last week I shared that I’ve been in a super creative phase, and have created 6 journals depending on your interests; gratitude, sacred practices, synchronicities, seasonal journaling, moon magick and more… so much fun and magick!

Well, hopefully next week (as long as all the juicy bonuses are complete) the first journal: ‘Outrageous Gratitude’, should be available on Amazon. I already have my copy and it’s beautiful.

Yesterday I was using it with my little boy, and it was great to hear what he was grateful for too. You can have a sneak peek of the journal here.

In the Journal, each day there’s space for daily gratitude, there’s also weekly journal prompts and gratitude treasure hunts, affirmations for you to work with and weekly reflections. The journal is absolutely brimming with gratitude and when you start to complete it, it will be a powerful ally on your magickal journey too!

So, in celebration of gratitude, today we’re using the MMM’s to explore some of the Outrageous Gratitude magick.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

Today I’m grateful because…

Summon the Spirit of Gratitude
Each day, there’s space in the journal to complete the sentence: “Today, I’m grateful because…”

This daily invocation will awaken the celestial forces of gratitude within your heart, allowing you to bask in the divine glow of appreciation.


★ Tip: Complete this statement each day for a week, and notice how your energy changes.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

Gratitude – The Elixir of the Gods and the Wellspring of Magick

From the Outrageous Gratitude Journal:

“Step into the enchanting world of gratitude, a realm where science, magick, and transformation intertwine to create an irresistible elixir of power and possibility.

It’s in this captivating domain, that gratitude is revered as the elixir of the gods—an intoxicating potion that bestows divine power and magick upon those who dare to embrace its mystical essence.

This enchanted nectar is not reserved for celestial beings alone. Mortals, too, can partake in the transformative power of gratitude, using it to create magick in their own lives.


The Cosmic Recipe: Why Gratitude is the Elixir of the Gods

Gratitude, the enchanting concoction that it is, weaves together the finest ingredients from the celestial kitchen: love, joy, abundance, and serendipity.

Each component amplifies the power of the others, creating a magickal brew that vibrates with divine energy.

When you sip from this celestial goblet, you open your heart to the universe’s wisdom, aligning your energy with the divine forces that govern the cosmos.


As you embrace gratitude, you become a conduit for magick, channelling the divine power of the gods and manifesting your wildest dreams.” 


★ Tip: Explore where could you cultivate more gratitude in your life.

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Start your own Outrageous Gratitude journal

Get yourself a notebook and decorate it with images and quotes that connect you with the energy of gratitude.

And each day commit to writing what you’re grateful for.

You can write it as a statement, as a list. Whatever feels good that day.

The important part is to connect to the feeling and energy of gratitude and let it expand.

Making it a task to ‘tick off’ your list, won’t be nearly as powerful for you.

Of course, if you prefer, you can do this digitally too.


★ Tip: Or hit ‘reply’ and say ‘OG’, and you’ll be the first to know when Outrageous Gratitude is available for purchase.


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can embrace the magick of gratitude. Come and share with us in our community.


With love and magick

Rebecca xo

Come and share your thoughts and experiences

and dive deeper with the conversation in our free magickal community.

   Already a member click here

   To become a member click here

Previous Newsletters

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

Sent Monday 15th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Yesterday I said to the members of my community...

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

Sent Monday 8th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Last week I shared that I've been in a super...

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

Sent Monday 1st May 2023MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Happy Beltane! (and Samhain for those in the Southern...

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

Sent Monday 1st May 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have


Join the newsletter below:

Happy Beltane! (and Samhain for those in the Southern Hemisphere)

I love observing the change of seasons. Today, finally!, the rain had stopped and I headed straight for the hills and where I knew the carpets of bluebells would be out.

There’s something magick about seeing the fields of bluebells, yes, they’re beautiful, but also, I feel so lucky to see them, as they’re only here for a short window of time.

I might’ve gone a bit share happy on Instagram lol

This time of year, I feel so much creative energy surging through me, I’m finding it hard to slow down.

However, I know my rhythms, they will eventually rest, so in the meantime, I’ll enjoy the creation.


Some of the creations, I think you might enjoy:

  • Yesterday we completed our 30 days of magick!
    That was such a fun event and I received so many messages thanking me for reigniting the magick in people’s lives. It’s rarely about having to find the time to make the ‘grand’ gestures in life, and so much more about creating smaller moments of magick!
    This got me thinking about something I’m going to share with you tomorrow… so, watch this space
  • I’ve created an app! Also, all about adding those moments of magick to your life.
    It’s in the final stages of being checked, and then I just need to wait on the app stores to say ‘yes’ – I will of course be sharing it with you then!
    I’m not quite sure why it wanted to be created in mercury Retrograde… but I’m sure time will tell!
  • I’ve created 6 journals – yes 6!!
    The first one to be released will be ‘Outrageous Gratitude’, you can have a sneak peek here, and it should be available to purchase in about a week.


So, in celebration of beltane and creativity today we’re using the MMM’s to explore your relationship with your own creativity and magick.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

What creative skills or talents do you possess that you’d like to develop further?

What steps can you take to nurture these abilities?

Fear of judgment and not valuing creativity are of the two main reasons that people stop developing their creative dreams and desires.

How could you bring back a sense of curiosity and playfulness into this area of your life.

Making time have some fun sketching, writing, dancing, or any other form of creative expression, even making time to daydream, can help to break free from the constraints of routine and invite spontaneous inspiration into your life.

By allowing ourselves to explore without judgement or expectation, we create a safe space to rediscover our passions and nurture our creative spirit.


★ Tip: Take a moment to remember what creative pursuit you lived to do as a child, and give yourself permission to explore it again this week.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

Creativity is the alchemy of transforming the mundane into the extraordinary.

Far from being confined solely to the realm of art, creativity manifests itself in countless ways throughout our daily lives.

From the way we approach problem-solving and decision-making, to our interactions with others, and our self-expression, creativity infuses each moment with an essence of magick and possibility.

When we embrace this more expansive way to view creativity, we can see the world as a playground of endless opportunities for imagination and innovation.

From crafting a thoughtful meal, cultivating a vibrant garden, or simply finding new ways to express love and gratitude, our capacity to create magick in the everyday moves far beyond the traditional idea of artistic pursuits.

By harnessing this innate creative power, we enrich our own lives and contribute to the beauty and wonder of the world around us.


★ Tip: How could you embrace more creativity and encourage it in those around you too?

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Get creative!

Get creative in any way that feels fun for you.

Re-visit the things you loved doing as a child.

Or if you’d like some inspiration, here’s three idea for you:

  1. Create a vision board
    Collect images, quotes, and symbols that represent your dreams, desires, and aspirations. Arrange them on a board or in a journal, creating a visual representation of the magick you want to express and manifest in your life.
  2. Paint with nature
    Gather leaves, flowers, and twigs from your surroundings, and use them as unique brushes or stamps to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art inspired by the natural world.
  3. Craft a fairy garden
    Design a miniature, enchanting world for fairies or other magickal creatures using small plants, pebbles, and handcrafted or repurposed items like tiny furniture or decorative elements.

Do whatever inspires you and connects you to your imagination and joy.


★ Tip: A month a go I ran a creative workshop on vision boards (with a difference), you can still watch the replay here for some extra inspiration.

I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can embrace more of your creative magick, come and let us know over in our community 


With love and magick

Rebecca xo

Come and share your thoughts and experiences

and dive deeper with the conversation in our free magickal community.

   Already a member click here

   To become a member click here

Want to tap into your creativity in a more intuitive way?

This is for you:


Trust yourself as you develop a clear understanding of how your intuition speaks to you and have confidence to act on it

Previous Newsletters

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

Sent Monday 15th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Yesterday I said to the members of my community...

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

Sent Monday 8th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Last week I shared that I've been in a super...

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

Sent Monday 1st May 2023MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Happy Beltane! (and Samhain for those in the Southern...

MMM: Embracing the seasonal power

MMM: Embracing the seasonal power

Sent Monday 24th April 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have


Join the newsletter below:

One of my favourite earth festivals is coming up next Monday, here in the Northern Hemisphere it’s Beltane (and in the Southern Hemisphere it’s Samhain – another favourite of mine!)

Both of these festivals bring with them potent energy of passion, power and transformation.

Our magick is fuelled by these energies of passion, power and transformation, and yet they can still be energies that people shy away from.

So, today we’re using the MMM’s to explore our relationship with the growing energy of power.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

What are the ways you can harness the vibrant energy of Beltane (or Samhain) to ignite your own personal transformation, creative power and magick.

As Beltane approaches, the earth’s energy is brimming with vitality, growth, and potential.

And as Samhain approaches, the earth’s energy is harnessing the deep power and magick of transformation.Delve deep into your inner landscape, reflecting on how you can tap into the season’s potent essence to fuel your inner power and magick.

Give yourself permission to explore your deepest desires,passions and dreams, paving the way for a life filled with magick, passion and adventure.


★ Tip: Spend some time reflecting on this prompt as we get closer and closer to the peak energy next Monday

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

What’s your relationship with power?

Beltane and Samhain bring with them incredibly potent and powerful energies.

Many people have experienced a corrupt relationship with power. Having either been taught to fear power, told they have no power, or having had an experience of power being misused towards them.

We can see power as a dominant force, something used to wield power ‘over’ others, a power that dominates.

But the power of of Beltane and Samhain connect you to an inner power. A healthy power. A power of knowing yourself. A power of passion and transformation. A power of boundaries, kindness and compassion.

How much of this type of power can you allow into your life?


★ Tip: If you want to explore the energy of power more, check out my podcast episode ‘Calling back your power

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Spend some time in nature

As we approach another turn of the seasonal wheel, spend some time in nature and notice the changes occurring around you.Take time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world as she changes.

Go for a walk in the woods or the park, tend to your garden or house plants, or simply sit outside and soaking up the sun’s warmth.

Connecting with nature, being in nature and observing the changes in nature is a powerful way to tap into the energy of Beltane and Samhain, and in turn to connect to these same energies within you.


★ Tip: When you go into nature, don’t just walk or sit in your normal positions. Look down and around on the floor. Look up to the top of the trees, to the sky. Looking at a different place, rather than where your eyes naturally drift to, allows you to get a new perspective. You may even want to lie down or climb high to really see things differently.


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can embrace the power and magick of this season. Come and share with us in our community.With love and magick

Rebecca xo

Come and share your thoughts and experiences

and dive deeper with the conversation in our free magickal community.

   Already a member click here

   To become a member click here

Want to feel more confident embrace change?

This is for you:


Trust yourself as you develop a clear understanding of how your intuition speaks to you and have confidence to act on it

Previous Newsletters

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

Sent Monday 15th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Yesterday I said to the members of my community...

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

Sent Monday 8th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Last week I shared that I've been in a super...

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

Sent Monday 1st May 2023MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Happy Beltane! (and Samhain for those in the Southern...

MMM: Cycles, the key to greater fulfilment in your everyday life

MMM: Cycles, the key to greater fulfilment in your everyday life

Sent Monday 17th April 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have


Join the newsletter below:

On the last episode of the A Pinch of Magick Podcast, I interviewed April McMurtry from The Moon is My Calendar.

I love chatting about the moon and how cycles in general influence our lives.

This week we have the New Moon and we’re moving closer to the seasonal celebration of Beltane on May 1st (or Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere)

So, today we’re using the MMM’s to deepen our relationship with cycles.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

How does your energy, creativity and emotions change throughout the month, and year?

We live in a world that teaches us it’s normal, even aspirational, to have one speed in life and that’s ‘go, go, go!’

That same world teaches us that our worth and value as a person depends upon how much we can produce.

But you’re not a factory.

When you start to pay attention to how you actually feel and want to move through life, as opposed to how you think you should feel and what you think you should do, everything changes.

You start to notice your own rhythms.

That there’s a time when you want to rest, a time to create, a time to produce and a time to reflect and release.

Sometimes these rhythms are daily, sometimes weekly, monthly or even annually.

Sometimes they change.

But one thing’s for sure, there is not one mode of being.

So next time you feel your energy wane, don’t judge yourself, see how you can honour your need to rest and enjoy savouring your own energy.

And equally, when your energy feels lit, enjoy that too!


★ Tip: Spend some time recording your own changes in energy and see if you can identify the patterns – it will completely change your experience of the world (Listen to the podcast for April and I gushing over cycles lol).

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

“The cycles of nature remind us that life is a continual process of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth.”

How do you feel about these areas of life?
Do you prefer the energy of one phase, and do you try and avoid any of the others?


★ Tip: Ask yourself, how could things be different if you embraced the area of growth you’ve been avoiding?

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Connect to the New Moon this week

This week we have the New Moon – Thursday 5.12am UK time.

On Wednesday and Thursday, spend some time noticing how you feel during the energy of the New Moon; the lowest energy of the moon cycle.

Notice how you feel physically and emotionally.

Do you feel more extroverted, or do you want to hide away from the world.

How in tune with your intuition do you feel and how creative do you feel?

How could you use this knowledge to support yourself and your magick?


★ Tip: Make a note of how you feel, and then compare this to how you feel in two weeks time at the Full Moon


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can embrace the power and magick of your own rhythm. Come and share with us in our community.

With love and magick
Rebecca xo

PS Don’t forget that throughout April we have our free community event, if you haven’t already, come and join the Month of Magick party.

Come and share your thoughts and experiences

and dive deeper with the conversation in our free magickal community.

   Already a member click here

   To become a member click here

Want to feel more confident trusting yourself as you embrace change?

This is for you:


Trust yourself as you develop a clear understanding of how your intuition speaks to you and have confidence to act on it

Previous Newsletters

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

Sent Monday 15th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Yesterday I said to the members of my community...

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

Sent Monday 8th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Last week I shared that I've been in a super...

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

Sent Monday 1st May 2023MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Happy Beltane! (and Samhain for those in the Southern...

MMM: How change amplifies your magick

MMM: How change amplifies your magick

Sent Monday 10th April 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have


Join the newsletter below:

This time of year Easter celebrations remind us of the power of transformation and the ability to ‘come back to life’.

We’re constantly evolving and transforming. – whether we want to or not…

We have the power to shed old habits and beliefs, and to start over with a fresh, and hopefully wiser, perspective.

Transformation can be both exciting and scary, but it’s an essential part of our growth and evolution. It’s an essential part of life.

So, today we’re using the MMM’s to reconnect you with the power of transformation.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

What was the most transformative experience you’ve been through?

Spend some time journaling about a time when you went through a significant transformation. Maybe it was a career change, a move to a new city, a recognition of who you truly want to be.

Maybe you wanted it or initiated it. Perhaps it was forced upon you.

Whatever it was, think about how it impacted your life and your sense of self.

What did you learn about yourself during this time? Did you discover any hidden strengths or weaknesses?

Did you realise that you’d been holding onto beliefs or habits that no longer served you?

Reflecting on past transformations can be a powerful way to gain insight into your own personal growth and evolution. It can also help you see how far you’ve come and give you the courage to continue pursuing your dreams and desires.

After all, all magick is the act of transformation, if you can embrace the change, you will be able to embrace more of your own magick!


★ Tip: Spend the next week recognising the strength of embracing transformation.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

“Change before you have to.”

Change is inevitable in life, but sometimes we have a choice in how and when it happens.

Is there anything in your life right now that you know needs addressing but you’ve been putting off?

When we can initiate change proactively and on our own terms, it may be uncomfortable, but we can prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for what’s to come.


★ Tip: If you had to guess at one area that needed you to initiate change right now, where would that be? 

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

A ritual for transformation

Light a white candle, close your eyes, and visualise yourself shedding old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you.

Imagine yourself transforming into the magickal person you want to become.

Take a few deep breaths and say a magickal affirmation that resonates with your transformation, such as “I release the old and embrace the new. I am constantly evolving and growing into my most magickal self.”

Open your eyes and know that you have the power to transform your life.


★ Tip: Take note of any inspirations of synchronistic moments that occur in the days after doing this ritual.


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can embrace the magick and power of transformation. Come and share with us in our community.

With love and magick

Rebecca xo

PS Don’t forget that throughout April we have our free community event, if you haven’t already, come and join the Month of Magick party.

Come and share your thoughts and experiences

and dive deeper with the conversation in our free magickal community.

   Already a member click here

   To become a member click here

Want to feel more confident trusting your intuition to embrace transformation?

This is for you:


Trust yourself as you develop a clear understanding of how your intuition speaks to you and have confidence to act on it

Previous Newsletters

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

MMM: I can’t believe it’s nearly this time of the year!

Sent Monday 15th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Yesterday I said to the members of my community...

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

MMM: Gratitude: The elixir of the gods

Sent Monday 8th May 2023 MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Last week I shared that I've been in a super...

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

MMM: Igniting your creative magick

Sent Monday 1st May 2023MAGICK, MASTERY AND MOMENTUM with Rebecca Anuwen Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have DO YOU WANT MORE MAGICK EACH WEEK? Join the newsletter below: Happy Beltane! (and Samhain for those in the Southern...