Sent Monday 8th May 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have


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Last week I shared that I’ve been in a super creative phase, and have created 6 journals depending on your interests; gratitude, sacred practices, synchronicities, seasonal journaling, moon magick and more… so much fun and magick!

Well, hopefully next week (as long as all the juicy bonuses are complete) the first journal: ‘Outrageous Gratitude’, should be available on Amazon. I already have my copy and it’s beautiful.

Yesterday I was using it with my little boy, and it was great to hear what he was grateful for too. You can have a sneak peek of the journal here.

In the Journal, each day there’s space for daily gratitude, there’s also weekly journal prompts and gratitude treasure hunts, affirmations for you to work with and weekly reflections. The journal is absolutely brimming with gratitude and when you start to complete it, it will be a powerful ally on your magickal journey too!

So, in celebration of gratitude, today we’re using the MMM’s to explore some of the Outrageous Gratitude magick.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

Today I’m grateful because…

Summon the Spirit of Gratitude
Each day, there’s space in the journal to complete the sentence: “Today, I’m grateful because…”

This daily invocation will awaken the celestial forces of gratitude within your heart, allowing you to bask in the divine glow of appreciation.


★ Tip: Complete this statement each day for a week, and notice how your energy changes.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

Gratitude – The Elixir of the Gods and the Wellspring of Magick

From the Outrageous Gratitude Journal:

“Step into the enchanting world of gratitude, a realm where science, magick, and transformation intertwine to create an irresistible elixir of power and possibility.

It’s in this captivating domain, that gratitude is revered as the elixir of the gods—an intoxicating potion that bestows divine power and magick upon those who dare to embrace its mystical essence.

This enchanted nectar is not reserved for celestial beings alone. Mortals, too, can partake in the transformative power of gratitude, using it to create magick in their own lives.


The Cosmic Recipe: Why Gratitude is the Elixir of the Gods

Gratitude, the enchanting concoction that it is, weaves together the finest ingredients from the celestial kitchen: love, joy, abundance, and serendipity.

Each component amplifies the power of the others, creating a magickal brew that vibrates with divine energy.

When you sip from this celestial goblet, you open your heart to the universe’s wisdom, aligning your energy with the divine forces that govern the cosmos.


As you embrace gratitude, you become a conduit for magick, channelling the divine power of the gods and manifesting your wildest dreams.” 


★ Tip: Explore where could you cultivate more gratitude in your life.

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Start your own Outrageous Gratitude journal

Get yourself a notebook and decorate it with images and quotes that connect you with the energy of gratitude.

And each day commit to writing what you’re grateful for.

You can write it as a statement, as a list. Whatever feels good that day.

The important part is to connect to the feeling and energy of gratitude and let it expand.

Making it a task to ‘tick off’ your list, won’t be nearly as powerful for you.

Of course, if you prefer, you can do this digitally too.


★ Tip: Or hit ‘reply’ and say ‘OG’, and you’ll be the first to know when Outrageous Gratitude is available for purchase.


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can embrace the magick of gratitude. Come and share with us in our community.


With love and magick

Rebecca xo

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