Listen. Because listening’s important:

Hi and welcome to the Re-Enchant Your Life reminder.

Your sacred pause in the day where you’re encouraged to take a moment to stop and tune into your inner wisdom and become present, so that you can reconnect to your personal power and confidently embrace who you’re becoming, as you Re-Enchant Your life and create the change you truly desire.

Today you’re being reminded to celebrate your wisdom.

Not wisdom that comes from the kind of knowledge that you get from education, but the wisdom you have from showing up and experiencing life.

The wisdom that resonates deep in your blood and bone.

The wisdom that you can’t explain, but you just instinctively feel and know.

Celebrate your ability to tap into unknown forces.

Celebrate your ability to trust something bigger and greater than yourself.

Celebrate your ability to let go of the need to know and control everything.

Wisdom isn’t something that comes only with age, it isn’t something that others bestow upon you, it isn’t about knowing everything.

Wisdom is in knowing yourself and understanding the messages from your body and the world around you. It’s understanding your own rhythms and how they interact with the cycles that flow around you and within you.

Wisdom is about being yourself, celebrating yourself, and understanding that you have to be true to you.

Wisdom is knowing that you don’t have all the answers, and knowing how to ask the right questions.

In this very moment, just stop. Pause and take a breath, as you honour your own inner wisdom.

Today’s SHEro Action:

Be really honest about what you know and what you don’t know.

Get clear about what you know to be true.

Be honest about how you can trust yourself more, rather than looking outside of yourself for the answers.

Take some time to remember all the times when you instinctively knew something to be true, and you were right.

All the times you trusted your intuition and things worked out just how they needed to.

It’s time to sink into the beauty of your own wisdom

Pause, and take a breath. As you trust in the wisdom of yourself.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I give myself permission to honour my wisdom”

I’ll see you tomorrow for your daily reminder to Re-Enchant Your Life with me, Rebecca-Anuwen.

In the meantime, enjoy celebrating your wisdom!



Since I was a child I was always told that I was wise for my years.

This continued through childhood and into my 20’s.

When I started my kinesiology practice in 2000, I was in my early 20’s and was constantly being told by my clients that I was so young to have so much wisdom.

This annoyed me a bit and I made me look forward to getting old.

I wanted to be old, because I then thought I would be allowed to own my wisdom. I could be wise and be old enough.

I’m not sure what qualified as ‘old’, but I wanted to get there, so I could feel justified in being this idea of ‘wise’ that other people recognised in me.

What’s funny to me now is, no one was saying I couldn’t be wise, I just wasn’t owning my own wisdom.

The people who said I was ‘young to be so wise’, still came back to see me. They recommended me to their friends and family, and had the results they wanted.

They didn’t care about my biological age. I could solve their problems for them, no matter what age I was.

It was just me who wasn’t stepping into my own wisdom.

Now I’m in my early 40’s no one says I’m too young lol, and yet I still love getting older, because with each day I get to practice owning a bit more of my truth, deepening into my own wisdom and becoming a more fully expressed version of myself.

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