Are you looking for some inspiration on how to use your charms?

At first glance the idea of Charm Casting may seem complex or confusing, but once you have a few goes you very quickly find your favourite ways to use them.

Here’s my top favourite ways to give you some inspiration on different ways to use your charms:


A Charm a Day

Each morning, I like to simply rustle my hand in my box of charms and draw one.

This charm is my message for the day ahead.


A Simple Charm Cast

If I have a bit more time or I want more information, I’ll cast a few charms on a blank surface.

I’ll then look for a more detailed message from the collection of charms.


Charm Casting ‘Maps’

If I have a specific question that I want insight on, I’ll use specially created charm casting maps.

Reading the charms on the map gives a more focused reading, breaking down your question in to the various areas you may overlook (or try to ignore).


Charm Casting and Cards

I love to cast charms over  oracle or tarot card spreads that I’ve done, to get deeper insight into a card reading.



I like to choose some charms, often at random, lay them out over a blank surface and meditate with  them.

I gaze softly at them and allow their message and/or story to reveal itself to me.


Journaling and Charms

Some days I pick a random charm, or choose a specific charm, and journal around the message and symbolism it has for me.

Simply asking: ‘What does this ‘witches hat’ represent to me?’


One of the reasons that I love working with the charms is that each day the meaning of a particular charm can change. As you grow and evolve the meanings of the charms grow and evolve with you.

If you want to join in the fun you can purchase my Charm Casting books on Amazon:

And if you want to put together your own charm kit, check out my Etsy shop