We’re all born knowing what we want and need

We’re born knowing how to express ourselves fully.

We cry, laugh and demand to have our needs met, and we do so without a hint of apology.

As we begin to get older we sing loudly, dance wildly and express ourselves fully with sheer delight and force of a young child.

And then…

And then… we begin to learn that when we modify our behaviour, tone down our biggest emotions and desires, we are ‘loved’ more.

It’s not really love, it’s positive attention (or at least not a negative ‘will you just be quiet/sit still/read your book for 5 minutes so I can have some peace”) – but your little heart doesn’t know the difference.

We learn that when we put the needs of other’s before ourselves we get praised (or at least avoid being told off).

We become the good girl, mummy’s little angel/helper.

We’re no longer scolded or told to be quiet.

We don’t have to witness the frustration in our parents or caregivers faces when we want to do one more passion filled song or routine for them.

We learn we’re too much

And just like that we learn that our unapologetic self and our wild edges are too much.

That the big emotions and bigger passion are not always welcomed, accepted or even appreciated.

We learn that we’re not good enough as we are and that if we want to be accepted we must sing a little less loudly, dance a little less wildly, and supress our own inner urges and desires if we want to ‘fit in’.

Slowly eroding our own power

This doesn’t happen over night, it’s a steady drip, drip, drip over time.

It happens so slowly that you might not even notice it.

That brave, passionate and unapologetic child becomes the adult with poor boundaries, the people pleaser, the over-giver or the over-achiever.

Until we become a shell of ourselves

The person who has lost connection with her own dreams and desires and moves through life a shell of her potential. Feeling overwhelmed, lost and frustrated and not even knowing why.

Here’s how to reclaim the power you’ve habitually given away

If you’d like to begin to reclaim that wild force of nature within you, check out The Summoning: The 7-Ways to Reclaim Your Power and Magick 


If you’d like to reclaim your power and magick you need the free resource The Summoning: 7 ways to summon your power and magick back into your everyday experience