Over the last few years it’s become more and more obvious to me that the seat of a woman’s power is in her Womb.

And when I say ‘Womb’ I’m not referring to the physical body part, but the energetic space.

After two years of study in Glastonbury, I dedicated as a priestess of Cerridwen on the shores of Lake Bala in Wales.

Then a month after that I was with Miranda Gray, training to be a Moon Mother and being initiated into Awakening the Feminine Energy with Womb Healing and the Womb Blessing.

During this time I bought a yurt and turned it into a Red Tent – a place for women to come and be held, nourished, nurtured and restored – it’s literally like being held in a red cauldron or sacred Womb.

Of course I’d never logically planned this, but it’s funny how things weave themselves together…

The goddess Cerridwen is the Keeper of the Cauldron.

Symbolically the cauldron is the Womb. The space of darkness, where things come to be transformed. The place of creation.

Although Cerridwen is often depicted as a Crone due to her wisdom, her story is all about her children, she is very much a Mother (Creatrix) Goddess.

When you look at my Cerridwen training and the Womb work with Miranda, I think it’s fair to say that the Womb energy has been calling me for quite some time…

This is also reflected in my clients.

Over the last couple of years, more and more of the clients that come to see me on a one-to-one basis have had imbalances in them owning their own power. They’ve had a deep desire to fully believe in themselves and their dreams, to confidently own who they are and unaplogetically express their truth in all areas of their life. They’ve wanted own and embody their (often hidden) power!

In a world that benefits from woman staying small, values them looking young and pretty and have them not make a fuss, it can be incredibly hard to break free and do things differently.

So let’s talk about this and why your Womb energy aka Womb Story is so important.

The womb is the female centre of power.


And as I mentioned at the beginning, but is worth mentioning again, whether you have a physical womb or not, is irrelevant, we’re talking about Womb with a capital ‘W’, your Womb energy, this is the seat of your female power.


When you’re disconnected from your Womb space, that energetic space, you also become disconnected from your own power.


When you are disconnected from your own power the most damaging thing that happens is that you can lose your sense of self.

You can literally disconnect from who you are and lose touch with your own truth.

You can be so busy putting everyone else’s needs before your own you end up frustrated, feeling empty and resentful.

As I’ve been working with the SHEro Archetypes over the years, they’ve revealed to me a very important aspect of their work, and that’s their energetic connection to the Earth Energies and the energy of your energetic Womb space.

There are many reasons that women can become disconnected from their power, and these reasons can be explored in the SHEro Archetypes and their associated Earth energy celebration/Sabbat.

Imbolc and The Innocent SHEro: The Individual Womb Energy

Spring Equinox and The Intuitive SHEro: The Sacred Womb Energy

Beltane and The Rebel SHEro: The Suppressed Womb Energy

Summer Solstice and The Passionate SHEro: The Expressive Womb Energy

Lammas and Creatrix SHEro: The Creatrix Womb Energy

Autumn Equinox and The Teacher SHEro: The Physical Womb Energy

Samhain and The Change-Maker SHEro: The Ancestral Womb Energy

Winter Solstice and The Wise-Woman SHEro: The Collective Womb Energy

Connecting with the SHEroes and the earth energy activates the Womb energy so that you can clear, rebalance and rejuvenate the energies.


Imbolc and The Innocent

Your Individual Womb Energy

Freedom – Optimism – Trust

The individual womb energy is any energetic patterns or grief that is a result of any rejection you feel for yourself, any judgement you have towards yourself, or any lack of self-worth that you feel.

Any time that you dismiss your feelings, your experience or your intuition, you create dis-harmony in your Womb space.

Spring Equinox and The Intuitive SHEro

The Sacred Womb Energy

Awakening – Growth – Insight

A woman’s power is in her energetic Womb.

Any time you deny or suppress your own power you actively disempower yourself.

When you look to others for the answers because you don’t believe of trust yourself, or as a way of not having to take responsibility, when you turn a blind eye to something that you know is wrong, when you say ‘Yes’ to everyone but yourself, you drain your own source of power.

Each time you think that you can’t do something, or that you ‘should’ do something else. Each time you don’t follow your heart because you feel you’re expected to do something else, or make up an excuse not to start something you really desire, you continue to drain your own reserves.

Beltane and The Rebel SHEro

Your Suppressed Womb Energy

Wild – Sexuality – Expansion

And of course we’re dealing with womb energy so it wouldn’t be complete without working with the physical and energetic pain and grief caused by sexual trauma, from misuse or abuse.

As well as the collective grief from the use and misuse of women and girls in all of it forms.

The emotions of shame, guilt and blame around sex and sexuality can be suppressed and held in the womb.

Often these feelings can leave it hard for a woman to be intimate with herself and to connect with your body fully, leaving her feeling frustrated and ashamed.

Summer Solstice and The Passionate SHEro

Expressive Womb Energy

Passion – Desire – Fulfilment

The expressive energy of the Womb is a woman’s ability to take up space physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Women are taught to be quiet, to keep their emotions in check lest they be called ‘irrational’ or ‘high-maintenance’, and this can lead to a fear of expressing your own unique and vibrant power.

If you ever find yourself playing smaller than you know is possible for yourself, if you ever find yourself not expressing your true thoughts and feelings, or suppressing your emotions – especially anger, then know that your Expressive Womb energy is out of balance.

Lammas and The Creatrix SHEro

Womb Energy

Creation – Self-Love – Connected

As you can imagine, Creatrix is literally about creating from your Womb space. That might be projects or ideas, or of course children.

If you ever find yourself sabotaging yourself, having great ideas, but not being able to birth them, this is for you. But also, it’s about the mother energy. You as a mother receiving and also receiving that mother energy.

It’s about your own children, it’s about birth. If you have any stories of trauma, mistrust, maybe your own mother was emotionally distant, maybe you felt emotionally distant to your own children. This is the energy for you.

The Creatrix also holds the energy of having babies, not having babies, losing babies; from having miscarriages, abortions or adoption.

Autumn Equinox and the Teacher SHEro

Internal Womb Energy

Knowledge – Trust – Inner-Knowing

The Internal Womb energy is all to do with the stress, intervention and the energetic trauma caused by symptoms of dis-ease that typically show up within the reproductive system and pelvic area.

If you’ve had to undergo medical procedures such as a hysterectomy or a C-section, or you’ve had/have cysts, or fibroids – which may or may not have had removed, this is one that you’ll want to attend.

Samhain and The Change-Maker SHEro

Ancestral Womb Energy

Support – Confidence- Liberation

The ancestral energy that we carry through our mother line and is passed down through the DNA has a very significant effect on us.

This Sacred Pause will be of benefit to you when you keep repeating patterns that you can’t logically explain, yet you feel that you’re being held back by something bigger than your own experiences.

If you look at your the women in your mother line, and feel that they did not live the lives that they wanted, that they sacrificed and became resentful, or that they experienced trauma and grief in their lives, you’ll want to free yourself (and your family) from these energetic Blueprints, and we will start this process in the Sacred Pause.

Yule and The Wise Woman SHEro

The Collective Womb Energy

Wisdom – Sacred – Mystery

The collective womb energy is the energy you learn from society.

From the history you’re taught, events that shaped the world, fairytales, books, films and our surrounding culture.

You might have heard the term the ‘witch wound’ before, the unconscious understanding and experience that if you stand in our power, and if you speak your truth, you’re going to be persecuted, as so many millions have been before you, and that still are still today.


The Edge-Walker SHEro

As you walk this path on Your SHEro’s Journey, you are held in the spiral labyrinth of the Edge-walker who brings you what you need, when you need it.


You can learn more about the SHEro Archetypes in my book:

The SHEro Archetypes: Take the journey within to awaken your inner power.

Available on Amazon and Kindle.