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Today on the A Pinch of Magick podcast I’m joined by Bridget Supple, a midwife and author.


We’re weaving a tapestry of tales and truths with Bridget Supple, an antenatal teacher with a heart full of stories and the author of the ‘The Birthkeeper of Bethlehem – A Midwife’s Tale’.

We kick off with the sheer joy that non-fiction books bring into our lives, especially those brimming with stories.

Bridget shares her insights on how these tales are not just narratives but pathways to deeper understanding and learning.

Then, we dive into the profound world of rites of passage. It’s a conversation that unfolds layers of meaning and significance, revealing how these milestones shape us.

Bridget and I then get personal, sharing our own stories of pregnancy and the profound experiences of birth.

She opens up about how her own C-section became a turning point, fuelling her desire to support others through this transformative journey.

We discuss the idea or birth not just as a process but as a ritual, a rite of passage that alters you in ways you can’t imagine. It’s about the transformative power of bringing life into the world.

The topic then shifts to the importance of choice in birthing, a critical aspect often overlooked.

We explore the historical and current dangers associated with birth, shedding light on the wisdom that once thrived in our communities.

We delve into the midwife of Jesus and Mary, unearthing tales and wisdom long buried. It leads us to discuss the demonisation of women throughout history and how their power and knowledge were systematically suppressed.

What happens when you write women out of stories and history? We explore this, understanding the gravity of erasing such vital narratives.

But it’s not all about looking back. We talk about how people are now reclaiming this power, reconnecting to the seasons and cycles, and remembering the wisdom of their bodies.

The conversation rounds off with the importance of support, friendship, and connection.

It’s a reminder of the power that resides within us and the strength we garner from those around us.

So, settle in, get comfortable, and let’s embark on this journey of rediscovery and empowerment together.

About Bridget Supple

Bridget has spent the last twenty years supporting women and birthing people through all stages of pregnancy, labour, and parenting.

A mother of four herself, she works as an antenatal teacher for a UK Birth and Parenting charity, as well as the National Health Service, both in a major UK Maternity Hospital and as an antenatal teacher for a number of maternity units across the country.

She is also part of Birth Companions, a charity supporting pregnant women in prison and helps support incarcerated women through their pregnancy journey.

For the last ten years Bridget has been part of the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education team.

She is also the founder of an information resource all about the Infant Microbiome ( and runs workshops on parenting, brain development and hypnobirthing.


Connect with Bridget


Instagram: BirthKeeperofBethlehem

Facebook: BirthkeeperofBethlehem

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