Here’s something you probably don’t know about me… It’s not very important, but it did make me think about change today… And that’s…
I hate clothes shopping!
I always have.
I’ve never known what colour or style suits me.
I go snow blind as soon as I walk into a clothes shop.
I’m not sure where this has come from, but I’ve never enjoyed it.
Shopping is too hard….
My bum has always been ‘too big’ compared with my waist, so finding trousers that don’t ridiculously gape at the back is a nuisance, my legs seem to be in between lengths lol… I could go on… but I’m sure you get the picture…
I think I missed the part of being a teenager where you learn how to dress and find what suits you.
And now of course I’m on the other side of 40, still wondering what clothes I should buy!
So I choose another way
Last month I booked a consult with a stylist who tells you what colours you look best in and what styles work for you.
It was such fun! If you haven’t done it before, I highly recommend it!
And if you know colours and are curious… I’m ‘Summer’ and need to wear cool colours, like blues, dark green and burgundy.
But knowing what to wear and buying it are two completely different things!
So I booked a session with the same inspiring woman to go personal shopping, and oh my… what a totally different experience!
She loved shopping and knew exactly what to look for that would suit me.
She picked things for me that I wouldn’t have even looked at
I kept shaking my head… and am still shaking my head chuckling, as I now have
Animal print dresses
And White trousers!?!
All of which I would never have bought without her help.
And all of which I actually now love! In fact I’m writing to you in one of my jumpsuits! (yes I have more than one now!!)
And it go me thinking…
The jumpsuit got me thinking about change.
As humans we’re not really good at change…
Whether it’s a change to how we see ourselves, change in the type of clothes we wear, or the relationships we have.
We can resist it, ignore it, fight it …
I know that I’ve even resisted change that I knew would be beneficial to me in the long run!
I could despair at myself lol, but instead I look to nature…
Nature has so much to teach us about change. About starting over, again, and again and again.
As humans we’re taught that time is linear.
There’s a start, and a series of steps that moves you towards an end goal.
Each of those steps builds on the previous step, and you’re expected to become bigger, stronger, and more successful with each of those steps.
But in this model, there’s no space for failure, for stumbling a few steps back, for starting over. No place for rest or a reset.
But when we remember that we are intimately connected to nature, and we can model our experience on hers, we realise that life is in fact a spiral path and not a linear path.
On a spiral path we can allow ourselves to start again.
We can give ourselves permission to rest and pause. To change our minds, to reset, to revisit, to regroup and start over.
On a spiral path there’s no comparison, so no place for fear, blame or shame.
When we remember that we are intimately connected to nature we can embrace the spiral path and give ourselves permission to start over, to start again and change.
With love, jumpsuits and spirals
Rebecca xo