Sent Monday 27th March 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life as you create a life you love living


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Finally, where I live it’s starting to feel like spring!

The sun is out, the air is crisp, and the birds are chirping.

Last week we had the New Moon in Aries, heralding in the beginning of the astrological new year.

So this week, I thought it would be a great time to talk about fresh starts and new beginnings, and what you’re ready to welcome into your life.

Today we’re using the MMM’s to explore where you are and where you want to go.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

Who are you becoming??

If nothing changed in your life and you kept doing what you’re doing, who would you become?

If your habits stayed the same, your relationships and the people you spend your time with stayed the same, your work and hobbies stayed the same, who are you destined to become?

Is that who you want to be?

Is that person the most fulfilled and fully expressed version of you?

Most importantly, is that who you want to become?

Hopefully, you exclaimed a full-bodied and joyful ‘Yes!’

But if you didn’t, that’s okay, what needs to change?

Where do you want to see yourself in six months’ time? In two years? In five years?

What changes do you want to start, or make happen, in your life over the coming weeks and months?

What habits will contribute to your success?

This isn’t about changing everything all at once, hopefully you have many decades of life ahead of you, and just the smallest of changes can create massive change over time.

★ Tip: Spend the next week reflecting on who you will become if nothing changes and who you want to become.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

Don’t let others hijack your dreams. Be captain of your own ship and master of your own destiny.” Joanne Moore

Are your dreams your own?

Are you moving towards what you truly desire, or are you following the dreams, and path in life, that others want you to?

Dreams are like seeds. You need to plant them in the right soil and nurture them until they’re strong enough to stand on their own.

Just as with your dreams, you need to nourish them and protect them from the, hopefully well-meaning, thoughts and opinions of other people.

Remember, other people aren’t supposed to understand your dreams, they’re your dream not theirs, it’s not supposed to make sense to them. They have their own dreams to focus on… if they are brave enough to.

Don’t let others put you off exploring your own dreams.


★ Tip: If you need some energetic support to embrace the new beginnings of your own dreams, let this collection of energetic alchemy meditations support you

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Join us for our free community event this Thursday

Event: Vision Boards for Claiming Your Power and Magick

Date and time: Thursday 30th April at 8pm UK (12pm PST / 3pm EST) And ‘yes!’, a replay will be available

Cost: Free

Register here: Join us

A vision board is often used as a way to connect with your intentions, dreams and desires.

You place it somewhere you will see it regularly and it keeps you connected to your vision. Often people use images or photos of things that they want to achieve in their life to motivate them to take action.

This gathering will be slightly different – it will be less about achieving or getting ‘things’, and more about connecting to your own power and magick and then seeing what wants to be created from that space.

It then allows you to set your intentions free from the judgements and expectations of others and ensure you’re connected to your own power and magick, and your true dreams and desires.


★ Tip: Already a member of our community click here: Register for the class to receive reminders.
Not a member yet, join us here


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can explore your own dreams and desires. Come and share with us in our community.

With love and magick

Rebecca xo

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and dive deeper with the conversation in our free magickal community.

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Need an extra boost to start, or stay on track, with your own dreams and desires?

This is for you:




Stop doubting yourself and joyfully move forward.

No matter what's happened, feel confident to create fresh starts and new beginnings as you move forward aligned with your new path.

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