Sent Monday 10th April 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life in the life that you have


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This time of year Easter celebrations remind us of the power of transformation and the ability to ‘come back to life’.

We’re constantly evolving and transforming. – whether we want to or not…

We have the power to shed old habits and beliefs, and to start over with a fresh, and hopefully wiser, perspective.

Transformation can be both exciting and scary, but it’s an essential part of our growth and evolution. It’s an essential part of life.

So, today we’re using the MMM’s to reconnect you with the power of transformation.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

What was the most transformative experience you’ve been through?

Spend some time journaling about a time when you went through a significant transformation. Maybe it was a career change, a move to a new city, a recognition of who you truly want to be.

Maybe you wanted it or initiated it. Perhaps it was forced upon you.

Whatever it was, think about how it impacted your life and your sense of self.

What did you learn about yourself during this time? Did you discover any hidden strengths or weaknesses?

Did you realise that you’d been holding onto beliefs or habits that no longer served you?

Reflecting on past transformations can be a powerful way to gain insight into your own personal growth and evolution. It can also help you see how far you’ve come and give you the courage to continue pursuing your dreams and desires.

After all, all magick is the act of transformation, if you can embrace the change, you will be able to embrace more of your own magick!


★ Tip: Spend the next week recognising the strength of embracing transformation.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

“Change before you have to.”

Change is inevitable in life, but sometimes we have a choice in how and when it happens.

Is there anything in your life right now that you know needs addressing but you’ve been putting off?

When we can initiate change proactively and on our own terms, it may be uncomfortable, but we can prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for what’s to come.


★ Tip: If you had to guess at one area that needed you to initiate change right now, where would that be? 

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

A ritual for transformation

Light a white candle, close your eyes, and visualise yourself shedding old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you.

Imagine yourself transforming into the magickal person you want to become.

Take a few deep breaths and say a magickal affirmation that resonates with your transformation, such as “I release the old and embrace the new. I am constantly evolving and growing into my most magickal self.”

Open your eyes and know that you have the power to transform your life.


★ Tip: Take note of any inspirations of synchronistic moments that occur in the days after doing this ritual.


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can embrace the magick and power of transformation. Come and share with us in our community.

With love and magick

Rebecca xo

PS Don’t forget that throughout April we have our free community event, if you haven’t already, come and join the Month of Magick party.

Come and share your thoughts and experiences

and dive deeper with the conversation in our free magickal community.

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Want to feel more confident trusting your intuition to embrace transformation?

This is for you:


Trust yourself as you develop a clear understanding of how your intuition speaks to you and have confidence to act on it

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