It’s time to PAUSE, to take a breath and reconnect with the truth of who you are. Not who you’re expected to be, or who you think you should be… but the person you really are.

The Philosophy: 

“Magic happens when you PAUSE”

PRESENT within your own body

ALIGN with your values, dreams and desires

Understand what are your beliefs and what are learnt

SHOW Up fully and dedicate to living your own path

EMBRACE all of you (not just the ‘pretty’ parts)


The first step on your journey to Re-Enchant Your Life, is to RESET THE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOURSELF so that you can become deeply grounded into your own unique essence.

No matter where you find yourself in life, it’s never too late, and it’s ALWAYS POSSIBLE, to take back control of the pen, so that you can write your own story and define your own happily ever after.

The Re-Enchant Your Life journaling system has been specially crafted so that you can awaken your magic and dial up your inner radiance. Let striving, chasing, and hustle be a thing of the past, as you activate a new way of being in the world. A way that nourishes you, honours you, and taps you into your true essence.


After playing around with journals, planners and diaries for more years than I care to remember, I finally found a size that I love and that’s versatile enough to respond to my changing needs, and that is:

The Traveler’s Notebook.

(If you’re new to Traveler’s Notebooks click here as I explain to you why they are so perfect!)

And of course as you embark on Your SHEro’s Journey, what could be more perfect than having your very own Traveler’s Notebook as your companion along your way.

Each of the TN Journal sets comes with a COMPLIMENTARY course.

The journals can be used immediately and are ready to go, and when you feel called to spiral deeper into your inner journey, the courses are there ready to support you discover more.


The Re-Enchant Your Life Journaling System

The system is as simple as 1, 2, 3…

You start by RE-ENCHANTing Your Life

Get clear on what’s important to you, how you want to feel, and what you need to do so that you can bring the sparkle back to your life.

Then you REFINE and align your energy

You come into deeper relationship with how you show up in the world. You understand your energy and inner rhythms and can align this with your daily activities, making it easier to find your natural flow in life.

Next you RENEW your relationship with the cycles of life

Immerse yourself in the cycles of the natural world as you tap into the wisdom of growth, transformation and renewal, and learn how to work with these changing energies, rather than fight against them.

When you let go of how you think things should be, you give yourself the space to become who you are.