I love winter.

I love the darkness.

I love being snuggled inside as the wind howls and the rain beats down.

I love cold crisp winter walks, as the sun goes down, and I’m wrapped up in hat and soft scarf.

I love the darkness.

Yes, I know I said that twice, but it’s worth repeating.

I love the darkness.

And yet…

We are taught to fear the darkness, we’re told it’s where the monsters live.

The darkness is wild and untamed.

It can’t be controlled.

It certainly can’t be trusted.

We do everything we can to stay in the light.

And yet…

The darkness holds the magic and mystery.

It’s the darkness of the womb space that holds the potential for growth.

It’s the darkness of the soil that holds, nourishes and nurtures the tiny seed, so that it can grow.

The tiny cells become the little baby, and the acorn becomes the mighty oak.

It’s the darkness of the night that holds us and restores us as we sleep.

It’s the darkness of closed eyes that allow us to daydream and savour the moment.

It’s from the darkness that we connect with our intuition, the whispers of our wisdom rising up trying to get our attention.

Yet this darkness isn’t trusted.

It’s feared, dismissed, pushed to one-side.

The darkness is much like the energy of a woman.

Deep, intuitive, wild and untamed.

Nourishing, nurturing, and with the ability to birth; to birth ideas, books, art, creativity, and in some cases children.

The wild darkness goes hand in had with being a woman.

Yet in both cases their power can be feared.

They can be dismissed and pushed aside, told their wisdom is not to be trusted.

Yet as a woman our power is in the darkness.

And this time of the year, that power is heightened.

The connection to  the darkness, and your intuitive ability is at a peak.

The darkness of winter is governed by the Wise Woman SHEro, her landscape is the Red Tent and her symbol is the cauldron.

The Goddess associated with the Wise Woman SHEro is Cerridwen, the Celtic Goddess of wisdom and transformation, she is the Keeper of the Cauldron.

Cauldrons are first and foremost a vessel to create warm nourishing food.

They also represent the wisdom and transformative powers of the womb space. The bringing of everything together to create something richer and more flavourful – whether that’s food or experiences.

During these dark days, it’s time to connect more deeply with your own deep inner wisdom.

To bring all of you together, to create a richer, deeper experience of yourself and life.

To remember your inherent power.

To celebrate the wild, untamable darkness within.

To celebrate the unexplainable, the things that shouldn’t make sense, but just feel ‘right’.

This is particularly true of your intuition.

And this got me thinking…

I can remember years ago being told about using oracle cards on the 12 Day of Christmas for guidance for the year ahead, each of the twelve days representing the coming 12 months.

I couldn’t remember the details, so turned to trusted google and came across this article by Caitlin Matthews:

In it she explains why the 12 days of Christmas are so special;

In Brittany and in Wales, the Twelve Days of Christmas, which mark the intercalary days of the year, are called ‘the Omen Days,’ and they have a special purpose. ‘Intercalary days’ are really the days left over from reckoning up the solar year and, in calendars throughout the world and at different times, they are special because they are considered to be ‘the days out of time.’ It is in this interval between the ordinary count of days that gods are born or conceived in many different mythologies.”

She then goes on to explain that for each of the 12 days of Christmas tradition would have people step into nature and notice the omens, the signs from nature, and that would indicate what was to come.

On the 1st day – Boxing day, the 26th December, you would go out into nature and notice what you notice – perhaps a shape in the clouds, the branches of the trees, a colour shining brighter, a hardy flower surviving the cold, the robust red berries, a feeling, a whisper on the breeze, an animal or bird that you hear or see, and that would represent what was to come for the month of January.

Then the 2nd day  – the 27th December, you would do the same and that would represent the energy for February.

etc. etc. for the 12 days and the 12 corresponding months.

The idea isn’t that you google what the signs mean – as that is someone else’s interpretation.

This is a time to sink down into your own wisdom and notice what the signs or ‘omens’ mean to you.

What is nature communicating with you?

When you do this with focussed intention, even if you only have 10 minutes, it’s fascinating what you can learn.

Step outside, wherever you are, and before you walk or look up to the sky, down at the pavement/sidewalk, ask that you be shown your omen or sign for the month, so on the 26th December, you would be asking for January.

And then look, listen and feel. Use all of your senses and notice what you notice.

Trust your intuition.

Trust the nudges, the feelings.

Pay attention.

Are you making it up? Does it really matter?

Your intuition is communicating with you, it’s time to listen.

Then make a note of the message, the signs.

Trust your first thoughts, go with what feels aligned.

It might not make sense straight away, it might percolate and bubble in your cauldron of wisdom, and throughout the day it will unfold.

You may wish to draw an oracle card for additional guidance – but again, leave the guidebook alone, and notice what YOU get from the card.

Treat each of the 12 days of Christmas as a chance to deepen your relationship with your rich darkness, your intuition.

A chance to remember your whole self, and not just the sanitised, socially acceptable version of yourself.

Treat this an an experiment in listening deeply.

Of trusting yourself.

Of knowing that you are held by the dark womb of the universe.

The journey of coming home to yourself.

Most of all be curious and have fun!


Want to learn more about connecting with your intuition?

Learn More: Self-Paced Course (£27)


Trust yourself as you develop a clear understanding of how your intuition speaks to you and have confidence to act on it