What is Journey Casting?
Journey casting is a form of divination that uses charms, trinkets or small objects.
The charms are cast/thrown onto a casting surface, and where and how they land is then interpreted to receive intuitive messages.
It’s often called charm casting, because of it’s use of charms as the tool of divination.
It likely orginated from Osteomancy, and using the casting of bones to answer questions.
Journey Casting focuses on you connecting with your inner wisdom to offer you insight and guidance to where you are on Your SHEro’s Journey.
It’s a powerful form of divination.
I believe that it’s power lies in its simplicity and the fact that there are no rules.
Ahhhh no rules!
Scary for some… but totally liberating for your connection to your inner wisdom.
It’s easy for us to be conditioned to follow the rules, we do it without even noticing.
Whilst some rules are useful.
It’s also useful to learn who you are, how you think and what you believe, away from the conditions of rules.
Having said there are no rules… there are a few guidelines, but really you are free to do this how you please.
And as always with guidance, take what works for you, adapt or ‘throw out’ the rest.
It’s a Journey of deeply connecting to your intuition.
It allows you uncover your ability to join-the-dots, to explore your stories.
Stories after all are what make us human.
When you interpret a Journey Casting reading, you’re not looking to a guidebook to give you the answers.
You’re uncovering your unique interpretation.
What you need in that very moment.
What You Need
In its simplicity, all you need are some charms/trinkets/small objects to cast.
An object to stir/shuffle them in.
A surface to ‘cast’ your charms on to.
This could be as simple as a few objects you have lying around the house, your hands to ‘shuffle’ them – like you would a dice, and a table to cast them onto.
Then it’s time to connect with your inner-wisdom and interpret the message they have for you.
Keep it simple
But of course you can make this much more elaborate, and you will do as you go along.
But always start simple.
It’s easy to add to your collection, once you have the basics, but it’s hard to move out of overwhelm, if you try to start out by making it too ‘fancy’ and complicated.
Simple is best.
Simple will mean that you are likely to continue with this fun and powerful form of divination.
Overwhelm may mean your charms are destined to become covered in dust!
Get quick, clear guidance when you need it most.
The SHEro Toolkit Journey Casting set has been designed to help you to navigate your way on Your SHEro’s Journey as you awaken your inner power.