How to Make Even the Trickiest of Decisions

How to Make Even the Trickiest of Decisions

This week I’ve seen a lot of clients who’ve been caught up and wrangling with decisions they need to make in life, the BIG ones and the everyday ones. 

I’m sure at some point you’ve experienced what they’re going through too?

  • Being clear, then moments later doubting yourself
  • Second guessing what you want or need
  • Second guessing what you think other people want or need
  • Prioritising the needs of others over yourself
  • Bending under the weight of expectations
  • Getting clear, and then doubting yourself again…. and again… and again…

I’m so confused arghhhh


Back to basics to beat overwhelm

What if I told you there was a simple way to step out of overwhelm and indecision and into clarity and alignment?

And would it be even better if I told you it would only take a couple of minutes for you to do?

Maybe I feel called to speak about things that overwhelm us, as here in the UK, we are in the middle of the summer holidays, and this is the first time my little boy has had them.

Whilst it’s been amazing and filled with lots of laughter, adventures and trips… it’s also been a little on the exhausting side too lol (anyone who’s been around 5 year olds will know what I mean!) 

This is why we practice

This daily practice that I’m about to share with you has made sure that I can stay centred and focused on connection and fun, rather than feeling frazzled and (too) overwhelmed!


The Sacred Practice

The practice I want to share with you is my SACRED Practice. It’s a moment to connect in with yourself, to ground deeply into your own wisdom, so that you can make decisions from a place of clarity, power and alignment, rather than from fear or overwhelm.


You can download the practice here:


A Sacred Pause

It was only the other day that I actually realised just how much the idea of the a Sacred Pause really is the foundation of all of my work.

This Sacred Practice is the ultimate Sacred Pause. A moment to stop, to rest your energy and bring yourself into alignment so that you can make clear decisions and move forward with clarity.

Even my social media accounts have the idea of a Sacred Pause at the heart of them.

My Moon Musing Facebook group is all about take a moment out of your day to check in with your energy and notice how it’s dancing with the cycles of the moon.

And most recently I’m experimenting with making my Instagram feed a place to pause and take a moment to rest – yes even on social media!

What do you think…. It makes me feel ahhhh:

So whatever’s going on in your life, if it’s a decision you need to make, summer holidays you’re trying to get through, or you just want a moment of peace and time to pause in an ever busy world, I recommend you try this practice, you can access it for free: 


Is balance really what you need?

Is balance really what you need?

The other day I was chatting to a client about the idea of balance, and I asked her if balance was actually something anyone could realistically attain on a sustainable basis?

I know many people strive for it, but is it truly possible to find that all elusive balance?

The dictionary defines balance as:

‘when there is an even distribution of weight’, ‘when something is steady that it doesn’t fall’.

But surely we desire more for ourselves and our lives, rather than something that doesn’t fall over?

Nature teaches us to dance…

When I have questions about life,  I always look to nature.

And when I thought about balance in nature, I realised it doesn’t really have a balance.

It has two equinoxes a year, when light and dark is balanced, but they only last for a moment…

The rest of the time nature is in a rhythmic dance of light and dark, of growth and decay, of contraction, expansion and ebb and flow.

It works in a rhythmic harmony embracing change, rather than striving for a static balance of of sameness.


Finding your own rhythm 

This then got me thinking about harmony.

The dictionary defines harmony as:

‘the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole’ and in a ‘state of agreement and accord’.

Perhaps harmony is what we should be aiming for. 

Striving less to not fall over, and aim more for a pleasing life of wholeness, free of unnecessary struggle.

Perhaps we should accept that we might not find balance across all areas of our lives, maybe it’s not even possible… 

But what if we accepted that some parts of our lives need more attention than others, and knowing that those needs and levels of attention change over time.

And that’s okay.

If we can find our own ever-changing rhythmic dance within our own lives, perhaps that’s more pleasurable than striving for something that may not even be possible, or if balance is possible, maybe it’s only sustainable for that short moment of time?

Have you ever wanted ice-cream for breakfast?

Have you ever wanted ice-cream for breakfast?

Yesterday my little boy, he’s 5, didn’t want to eat his dinner, he wanted to eat ice-cream…

In fact if he had his way I think he would eat ice-cream all day, every day.

He doesn’t understand that eating ice-cream may be his current personal preference, but in the long term it’s not good for him at all.

As adults, we know this because we have more life experience and knowledge than a 5 year old.

Even when I say ‘No’, he’s very good at continuing to try and assert his preference… He’ll tell me that he really, really likes ice-cream and give me the cutest, heart-melting smile.

And when the charm doesn’t work, he employs other tactics. He’s tried telling me that he’s been really good at school so can he have ice-cream, he’s also tried the ‘I don’t like you, I’m going to ask Daddy’…

I’m sure anyone who’s hung around children for any length of time has experienced the impulsiveness (and craftiness) of children who want to assert their preferences lol.

And yet we can be just as crafty too when we want our own way, but we have more experience and tactics to draw upon!


Noticing the patterns

I really started to notice these patterns after a friend recommended that I read ‘The Surrender Experiment’ by Micheal A. Singer. In the book Singer shares how he surrendered his life to the divine flow of the Universe – I’m only half way through but it’s very inspiring – in the book he talks about how we judge things as good or bad in relation to our preferences.

And this got me thinking…

As life unfolds we can judge a situation as good or bad, “I like it”, “I don’t like it”, “I wish something else was happening”.

Going back to my little one, I’m pretty sure his thought process went: I don’t want to eat my meal, I want to eat ice-cream. Ice-cream tastes nicer. I wish Mummy would just give in and let me eat ice-cream, I really loooooove ice-cream, waaaahhhh….

We’ve made up our mind about how we think things in our life should be and this creates a struggle within us.

But as we know with 5 year olds, preferences don’t always provide the best outcome for us (even if we do love how they taste and feel), and sometimes we don’t understand why we can’t have and/or don’t get what we want, as we can only judge something based on our own limited understanding – albeit more than a 5 year old…

Many of my clients come to me wanting to create a particular result in their life, and yet they can judge the events leading up to it as good or bad, they like them or they don’t.

‘…for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’ – Hamlet – William Shakespeare

Although at the time of the event, we may not like how we feel about something, often we may be confused about why life is bringing us perceived obstacles or throwing us a curveball, but as a wise friend of mine says: time brings clarity.

How many times in your life has something happened that at the time seemed awful, and yet it was the catalyst for something more wonderful than you could’ve ever imagined.

For me when I chose to get divorced, I was too close to the sadness and discomfort of making hard choices, that I never in my wildest dreams expected that it was making the way for me to meet someone else and have our adorable ice-cream loving 5 year old.

So next time when something doesn’t go as planned, before you get caught up in judging it based on your personal preference, why not take a moment to try and become curious?

Become curious and ask: I wonder where this is going to lead me?

It might not work for everything, but sometimes just taking a moment to pause and change your perspective, may just change the story you’re telling yourself, and open you up to a flow of opportunity that you never thought possible…

To Change Your Story, simply START HERE

What if you didn’t have to change a thing…

What if you didn’t have to change a thing…

“This is a list of things that you need to change…” – love society

Just a quick scroll through your social media feed, your inbox, or a flick through a magazine, will remind you all of the things that are ‘wrong’ with your life.

The way you look

What you wear

What you earn

Where you go on holiday

What you eat

How you exercise

Who you date

How hot your sex life is

The list goes on and on and on…

It can become overwhelming as to where to even start ‘fixing’ your life!

But what if what you actually needed was much simpler than all of that…

Stripping back

What if really it was about returning back to basics, stripping things back, rather than adding more... and more… and more…

What if what you really needed wasn’t sexy, or headline worthy…

Would you still be interested?

After 20 years of working with women on a whole wide-range of concerns, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, goes back to them knowing, trusting and accepting themselves completely.

They didn’t need to gain more validation or approval, they hadn’t done anything wrong, they didn’t need fixing. They needed cut out the noise and break the SPELLs that they found themselves under.

It’s become increasingly hard to hear your own inner-voice, to trust the wisdom within you.

The world has got noisier and busier.

To-do lists longer, and external expectations higher.

This just leaves people feeling less satisfied, less fulfilled and more disconnected.

But there is a way to step out of this.

My gift to you…

Totally free, I’m giving you access to my SACRED Practice, so you can create the space to re-connected to your highest wisdom and deepest knowing, so that you can remember what’s really important to you as you cut out the noise of ‘should’s’ and expectations. And all it takes is a few minutes of your time.

It’s time to dedicate to your sacred self and your scared path.

I mean, without being overly dramatic (although I do love a bit of dramatics myself lol), if not now, when?

If you’re still not sure if this gift is for you, but you do want to feel more deeply connected to yourself, grounded into your sense of self and rooted in your purpose, this super simple practice IS for you:

Free Access here: Rebecca’s SACRED Practice

“The SACRED Start’s Feel Like the Missing Piece of the Puzzle”

“I’ve journaled, exercised, eaten well, but sometimes no matter how “well” I do, I can’t seem let go of some of those old nagging feelings. Since starting this practice I feel a deeper peace than I ever have before. I know what is mine and what is not.

I have established my boundaries and it has become so much easier to simply let things go. It has truly been an invaluable and life changing experience!!!!” – Mackenzie Ledford

I do this practice with hundreds of women each week, and now I’m giving you access to the process too.

It really is one of the most powerful commitments you can make for yourself, click here to get started>>

Break the SPELL and Change Your Story

Break the SPELL and Change Your Story

I don’t know about you, but I love a good story!

Escaping into other worlds, learning more about other people’s lives, being inspired by other people’s courage, determination, and dreams.

Hours can slip past me in deep conversation or lost in a book.

Some of my favourite gifts as a child were books that I still have today, with a gorgeous hardcover of ‘Wind in The Willows’ being the first that comes to mind – and that was a gift over 30 years ago! No wonder I’m the book giving Auntie!


Stories are important

They define our worlds and are what make us who we are.

We have been sharing stories since time began.

Stories are our maps to navigate through our lives.

We tell stories to make sense of events that we experience.

We share stories to connect with other people.

We use stories to learn from each other, to inspire the next person, to show them what’s possible and what we can overcome.

Stories can inspire us and spur us on to achieve great feats… but today I want us to look at the other stories, the stories that can keep us stuck in old patterns, frustrating us, and preventing us from claiming our dreams and fulfilling our potential.

These patterns that don’t serve us, these stories that keep us stuck and believing in things that are no longer relevant or true, are what I call SPELLs.

Not SPELLs that change pumpkins into royal carriages, or mice into horses, but SPELLs that cast their enchantment over us nonetheless.


Stories can become ‘nightmares’

As we grow up, we grow out of the stories of believing in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy, but some stories we don’t grow out of, we keep them and they become our own personal mythology.

These stories go into our personal SPELLbook, and this SPELLbook governs the rules that enchant and shape our life. They are so much a part of us, that we don’t even notice when we’re invoking them.

These SPELLs are often created for a reason, as a way of protecting us, of keeping us safe when we didn’t know any better, when we didn’t have the resources, knowledge or understanding to make different choices.

For over two decades I’ve been working with (mainly) women who are ready to change an area of their life – sometimes all of it… and at the heart of these changes is the need to break these SPELLs that have been set up/cast over them.

SPELLs that make them feel that they’re not good enough, are unloveable, are too much or not enough, the SPELL’s that keep them thinking they don’t have any power.

SPELLs are often set up in childhood, SPELLs are cast over us by the media, and SPELLs are kept in place by society and expectations…

I want to tell you that you that it’s totally possible to break these SPELLs! And it can be easy.


You can control the narrative

I want to remind you that you DO HAVE the power, you ARE more than good enough, you are totally loveable just as you are.

I want you to know that you are PERFECT in your imperfectness!

This isn’t about changing you, or fixing you! How can it be, you’re already perfect and you are certainly not broken.

This is about helping you to remember exactly who you are!

Watch the video that explains more about this process (and if you know me… you know I love an acronym… and yes of course ‘SPELL’ is one too)


Discover your Happily Ever After…

Then if you are ready to Break the SPELLs and Change Your Story, simply START HERE

How to release the grip of fears (even the unconscious ones)

How to release the grip of fears (even the unconscious ones)

The SHEro’s Journey is all about ‘coming home to yourself’ but how can you do that if you don’t feel it’s safe to be you?

I do a lot of work with entrepreneurs, these women are smart, have the most amazing hearts and are doing great work in the world.

Or rather they would be…

But, time and time again I see them tripped up and holding themselves back with fears that they aren’t even aware they have.

A common fear that I’ve seen regularly over the last month or so is the ‘Fear of being abandoned’.

“Fear of being abandoned.”

How does that resonate for you, can you feel that in your body, or does it have no response for you?

The way I see it show up for my clients is that they play small, they don’t share their message with as many people as they could in case people don’t ‘get them’, and they delay making the changes they want/need in their life and business because of an underlying fear of being judged and ultimately ostracised by clients, friends and family – can you see how this would be a problem for a business person!

But of course you don’t have to be in business to experience this fear.

Often what comes up is that people don’t want to outshine their family or friends, incase they’re ‘rejected’ by them. In the UK we have a phrase “don’t get too big for your boots”, in the US I’m told it’s “don’t get too big for your britches’, and in Australia it’s the ‘tall poppy syndrome’.

Obviously these aren’t patterns that you’ve consciously chosen to live by.

They are usually learnt behaviours, passed down through the generations, or circumstances, when you were younger, may have reinforced this belief.

And then you live them, never realising, or being taught, that they no longer have to be true for you and that you can release and change these patterns.

Perhaps you experienced the withholding of love from a physically or emotionally absent parent, maybe you were told that you were too loud or opinionated as a happy, confident child.

Maybe you didn’t have role models that taught you it was okay to live life and fully express yourself in your own unique way.

Whatever the reason, these patterns aren’t serving you or anyone anymore.

It’s actually surprisingly easy to release these fears and limiting beliefs – It’s something I’ve been doing professionally for over 20 years for my clients.

If you’re ready to release this fear and break the SPELL that is holding you back I highlt recommend that you Start Here with this free resources I put togther for you