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Today on the A Pinch of Magick podcast I’m joined by Liz Childs Kelly, author and podcast host of ‘Home to Her’

And we venture into an exploration of the divine feminine, sacredness, and the journey to back to self.We explore what ‘Home to Her’ means to Liz, a concept steeped in personal interpretation and understanding. We discuss the allure of the Divine Feminine and the journey we undertake to return to the sacredness of our own bodies.

Life has a funny way of surprising us, and Liz shares her unexpected path, which led her to her current work. We delve into the patriarchal lens of womanhood and what it truly means to shift the veil and perceive the world through a new lens.

Ever felt a calling so strong, it’s as if you’re seeking the feminine face of God? We discuss this deep longing and the uncomfortable sensation of returning to ‘normal’ life after experiencing a ‘split in reality’.

How do we translate our experiences of the sacred into our daily practices? As we explore this, we discuss Liz’s journey of initially trying to blend mindfulness with her business while feeling an urgent need to foster change.

And sometimes, it’s the unexplained, the paranormal events that shake us awake. Liz opens up about how one such experience that led her to a point where she could no longer ignore her calling. We talk about loss of identity, re-building your view of success and learning to engage with the world in new ways.

Liz shares tales of pilgrimages to sacred sites in Europe with her family, the power of embracing the unknown, and the magick of finding the divine in the mundane. She reassures us that perfection isn’t necessary to connect with the divine – a ‘settled’ everyday existence offers plenty of opportunities for this profound connection.

We explore the importance of incorporating divinity into family life, and the concept of ‘She’ as a vibrant, living tradition. Liz illuminates the fact that the sacred feminine was not entirely suppressed in all places throughout history. The Goddess is very much alive and we’re not starting from scratch when we want to connect with her.

We’ll discuss how to tap into the latent power within us and uncover the sacredness of the self.

We end the conversation talking about interpreting the signs around you, what’s calling to you and what are the breadcrumbs leading you on your journey?

Liz guides us through this exploration and shares how connecting with nature can actually be a subversive act.

So, come on this mystical journey with us. Grab a cuppa, find a cosy spot, and get ready to delve into a captivating conversation. After all, every day is a good day for a pinch of magick.

Rebecca xo

About Liz Childs Kelly

Liz Childs Kelly is a writer, award-winning researcher, educator, community builder, and host of the popular Home to Her podcast, which is dedicated to amplifying the voices of the Sacred Feminine. She is also the author of the new book, Home to Her: Walking the Transformative Path of the Sacred Feminine.

Her writing has been featured in a variety of online publications, including Forbes, Mashable, Rebelle Society, Human Parts (a Medium publication), and Braided Way, as well as the Girl God Books anthology Just As I Am: Hymns Affirming the Divine Female.

An initiated priestess in the 13 Moons lineage, she also holds certifications in Reiki, as well as Vinyasa and Yin Yoga.

Liz lives in rural Virginia with her family and can often be found exploring the nearby Blue Ridge Mountains or wandering in the woods behind her home.

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