MMM: What if you aimed for harmony rather than balance?

MMM: What if you aimed for harmony rather than balance?

Sent Monday 20th March 2023


with Rebecca Anuwen

Bringing your magick to life as you create a life you love living


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Happy Equinox!

For the word lovers and the curious… the word ‘equinox’ is derived from two Latin words – aequus (equal) and nox (night).

As today we celebrate the nearly equal amount of daylight and darkness. A moment of balance.

We often spend our lives striving for balance, specifically the all elusive ‘work-life balance’, and can often feel frustrated when we don’t seem to manage it.

But, as today’s shows, even nature only manages ‘balance’ twice a year. The rest of the time there is a harmony between the growing and waning amounts of daylight and darkness that we experience.

How could your life be different if you also chose to aim for harmony rather than balance? Accepting that throughout your life different parts of your life will need differing amounts of your attention. And that trying to give equal amounts of your time and attention to all-of-the-things in your life will leave you, and those around you, feeling frustrated.

Today we’re using the MMM’s to explore how the idea of harmony, rather than balance, could support your power and magick.

1. Magick: Something for you to journal about

Where in your life do you feel out of balance?

Does that area of your life still need that much of your attention or do you need to make some changes?

It’s okay to focus on something with all of your heart, but know that in doing so means you have less time for other things. And just because something is all-consuming today, this week, this month or year, doesn’t mean it will be that way forever.

It’s also important to check-in with yourself to make sure that it’s still appropriate that the object or activity that is taking all of your attention, still warrants it, and that it hasn’t just become a time-consuming habit.


★ Tip: Spend the next week reflecting on where you spend your time and energy.

2. Mastery: Something for you to think about

“The ancient rhythms of the earth have insinuated themselves into the rhythms of the human heart. The earth is not outside us; it is within: the clay from where the tree of the body grows.” ― John O’Donohue, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace

The book this quote is from, is one of my favourite books. It’s like a balm for my soul.

The ancient rhythms are part of you, today’s Equinox being part of that rhythm helping to you to honour the changes in your needs for action (daylight) and rest (darkness).

How connected are you to your own rhythms and how much are you governed by the rhythms (and needs) of other people?


★ Tip: Pay attention to your own rhythms. Are you an early bird or a night owl? When do you feel most creative and when do you want to rest? How much are you fighting against your natural rhythms?

3. Momentum: Action for you to take

Spend some time outside

Spend some time outside, just observing the changes you can notice in the environment around you – the plants, the colours, the quality of the light, the times of the sunrise and sunset, the weather, the activity of the birds and animals etc

How do you feel about the changes and how is that change and energy reflected within you?


★ Tip: Make a note of these changes, or take a photo of the same place, and document how they change at each season or sabbat/earth festival. Notice how these changes impact and support you.


I’d love to know which of the three MMM’s you’re going try so that you can explore your own rhythms. Come and let me know over in our community.

With love and magick

Rebecca xo

PS: Just a reminder that this Wednesday I’m hosting a group energy class called Rejuvenate where you can reconnect to your own rhythms so that you can rejuvenate your passion and desire.

Come and share your thoughts and experiences

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Celebrating the Spring Equinox

Celebrating the Spring Equinox

Connect with the energy of the Spring Equinox

Here’s some fun ways for you to connect with, and enjoy, the energy of the Spring Equinox

Time to start moving forward

Spring Equinox is a festival that celebrates the first day of spring.

It is sometimes known as ‘Ostara’ if you celebrate Ostara, the ancient Germanic goddess of the spring, 

Around the Spring Equinox, days are getting longer and warmer, and the nights shorter.

This is a time of balance.

The balance of light and dark.

The balance of the inner world and outer world.

The balance and joining of the conscious and unconscious.

The Spring Equinox is marked on 20th/21st of March in the Northern Hemisphere, and  the 20th/21st of September in the Southern Hemisphere.

The earth energy is rising and increasing, and there is a feeling of moving forward and burgeoning possibility.

Nature is coming alive, the sun is gaining in strength. Trees are blossoming and the spring flowers are bursting forth with their colour and vibrancy. Animals are having their young.

We’re surrounded by life’s ability to regenerate.

We move from the darkness and stillness of winter, to an outward expression of life’s growth cycle.

The Spring Equinox brings with it the energy of fresh starts and is a time to express and move towards that which you want.

March also brings with it the energy of rebirth and signifies the astrological New Year as the sun moves into Aries, the beginning of the zodiac wheel.

Celebrating the Spring Equinox

Spring has been a time of celebration throughout history, with people gathering to mark the return of life at the end of the dark winter months.

The ancient Mayans held a festival to honour the god of fertility and planting, the Hindu festival of Holi, also known as the “Festival of Colours,” is celebrated to mark the beginning of spring.

Nowruz is the Persian New Year, which is celebrated on the Spring Equinox, and Christians, who absorbed many traditional earth celebrations into their traditions, observe Easter in the energy of Spring as they celebrate the energy of rebirth and resurrection.

During the Spring Equinox I love to decorate eggs (and get some chocolate ones!) and hide them around the garden – or the house, as I do live in the notoriously wet UK! –  for my little boy to find. And we’ll also plant seeds to symbolise the the renewal of life.

And of course there’s the celebration(?), well, at least the ritual… of spring cleaning! To physically, and symbolically, clear out the old to make way for the new.


Ancient wisdom for modern times

Celebrating the Spring Equinox, and other earth festivals or sabbats, helps us connect with the natural world and the cycles of the seasons. They remind us that we are part of something larger than ourselves and that there is a deeper rhythm to life that we are tapped into.

This is especially important as we tend to live to the timetables of other people. And connecting to the changes of the seasons, reminds us that there’s another way to live our life and that if we struggle with the traditional 9-5 lifestyle, there’s another rhythm we can align with.

Pausing to observe the Spring Equinox doesn’t have to be fancy. You can simply take a moment to notice how the world around you is changing and how that energy is reflected or changing within you.

For example, right now, where I live, the daffodils and crocuses are all around me. We’ve gone from the muddy brown fields, to white snowdrops, and now we have the colourful yellow and purples of the daffodils and crocuses lining the paths.

New life, new hope and more energy is on the way.

Spring reminds us, that no matter how dark, wet, cold or barren winter has been, we can always trust that spring will return.

In our own lives, we can remember that no matter how ‘dark’ and barren a circumstance can appear, it won’t always feel that way!

Connect with the energy of the Spring Equinox

Whilst you don’t need to do anything special to celebrate the Spring Equinox, it does always feel special to me to do something with a little more intention, for example, you could:

1. Plant some seeds

The Spring Equinox is the perfect time to start planning and planting a garden, or even some plants on your window sill.

Get your hands in the earth and start sowing some seeds, and intentions, and trust that they’ll come to fruition as the months go on.


2. Go for a walk in nature

Take a walk through the countryside, the woods, a local park, or even walk down the city street looking for signs of new life emerging.

Immerse yourself in the beauty and energy of the season.


3. Create a springtime altar

Use natural elements like flowers, branches, and stones to create a beautiful altar that honours the changing of the seasons.

You could also include symbolic items like eggs or seeds to represent new beginnings and growth.


4. Have a picnic

Enjoy a nourishing picnic in the park with family, friends or just by yourself. You may even want to incorporate some colorful spring flowers into your experience.


2. Make a springtime craft

Get creative and make a spring-themed craft, such as a floral wreath, a mini besom broom for your altar – or a full size one for your house, or paint and decorate some eggs.

Tap into your creative energy and bring some seasonal colour into your home.

Finally, some Journal Prompts to Connect with the Energy of the Spring Equinox:

  • What new beginnings am I ready to embrace this Spring?
  • What are some ways I can honor the changes happening in my life right now?
  • What seeds of intention am I planting for the months ahead?
  • What habits, patterns or behaviours do I need to release in order to make room for growth and renewal?
  • How can I connect with the natural world and the rhythms of the season?
  • What areas of my life could benefit from some spring cleaning or decluttering?
  • What are some ways I can tap into my creativity and bring more joy and playfulness into my life?
  • How can I cultivate a sense of abundance and generosity in all areas of my life?

Next Steps



Unleash your true power and magick by embracing nature’s cycle of growth