This question was answered in a longer Q&A I recorded for the magickal community in December 2022 Question answered between 15 mins 56 secs - 23 mins 23 secs of the video Keys points: Nature is magick Nature could be a mountain or a house plant Connecting with...

How to manifest magick in nature
This question was answered in a longer Q&A I recorded for the magickal community in December 2022
Question answered between 15 mins 56 secs – 23 mins 23 secs of the video
Keys points:
- Nature is magick
- Nature could be a mountain or a house plant
- Connecting with nature is like an relationship, the more intentional you become the better the realtionship becomes
- Connecting with magick is a skill, and like any skill the more you practice the easier the skill become
- The better you get, the easier it is to not notice what’s becoming your n ‘normal’
- ‘Quiet’ experiences can be as powerful as ‘loud’ ones
- You can’t fail to connect with nature when you’re with nature
Transcript: edited in places for clarity
This person asks:
“How can I manifest magick in nature?
Like on a hike. I’ve experienced this three times. Once during a downpour, another on a summit pike peak and a third in a sandstorm. Those times were surreal.”
So, how can you manifest magick when you’re in nature?
Nature is the magick
For me, the nature is the magick. That is the magick.
Now it’s interesting that this person has manifested their magick and I’d love to know what their definition of magick was during those times, but we’ve got it during a downpour, at a summit – the Pike’s peak, and in a sandstorm.
So they love that ‘drama’ that heightened experience.
They love that culmination of something big and who doesn’t? In that moment the magick, it’s obvious.
Story time…
I want to share with you a little story and hopefully this will bring some of this to light for you.
I was taking a group of people to connect with some yew trees. Like I said, I’m obsessed by trees… and we’re doing this event where we we’re connecting with the magick of the land and connecting with the trees.
I went along, dressed in my cloak and with my staff.. it was brilliant.
We were out in the moors of Wales.
It was with a group of people, and they were saying things like; I can feel this energy with the trees, and I can feel this from the land, and my body’s tingling and this is amazing.
They were having all of these really brilliant experiences.
It’s so fun when you can feel that in nature, because it feels in that moment. You know it’s real. (And the magick is of course real, even if you don’t feel that).
But in that moment they were feeling it. And they were feeling a shift in their body and a shift in their awareness. It was real and tangible, just like those storms and on that peak.
This was probably about seven years ago and I remember thinking to myself…
I feel so silly sharing this…
But I thought to myself ‘Oh, I wish I felt that’.
‘I wish I felt that tingliness’ and you know, all of that really strong stuff.
When the magick becomes ‘normal’
Later I was telling a friend about it and how I wish I could feel the strength of feelings that others were feeling. And she just looked at me, and said ‘really Rebecca?’
And I continued ‘Oh, it just sounded so fun. You know, I don’t feel any of that…’
She asked, ‘What does that tree over there tell you?’
And I told her what the message was.
And she was asked, ‘really, you don’t feel anything?’
And I was like, ‘oh…’
She said to me, and it was so true, and I would imagine this is true for many of you listening.
She said ‘it’s so normal for you to feel and communicate with everything around you that you don’t even notice anymore. It’s your new level of normal’.
It’s like any skill.
Everything gets easier the more you practice
I remember when I first learned to drive a manual car in the UK. Getting those gears, sorting out that clutch to time it with the gears so you didn’t either ‘kangaroo’ the car or grind the gears.
It seemed to take me forever to get that sorted out. I felt very sorry for my driving instructor’s car, I’m, surprised it had any gears left.
But now I don’t even notice. I don’t notice what my feet are doing or what my hands doing. I don’t even notice looking at my mirrors… obviously I am looking at my mirrors, but I don’t have to go: Mirror… signal.. maneuverer…
I can just check where everything is, have really good awareness and drive for a very safely.
It’s the same with our magick.
We can sometimes think that about the heightened experiences. They’re amazing.
They’re fun. They’re so tangible.
The ‘quiet’ experiences are important too
And yet the quiet voices, the quiet experience, just that shift in energy when we’re connecting with nature, whether we’re out hiking or whether we’re sat with a plant that’s in our front room, it doesn’t matter, you’re still having that moment of connection. It just requires that you pay more attention.
If I was to drive a car and I could ask what gear am I in? Originally when I first started driving I’d have to look down to see what gear I was in.
Now I can hear it because of the car engine, or I could touch the gear stick and I would just know because of its positioning.
I can bring my awareness back to it. But I don’t need to.
And it’s the same when we’re in nature.
Creating a relationship with nature
What you can do, is you can be more intentional when you enter place in nature.
Like this afternoon, I’m going off to a waterfall. and I’m already asking the waterfall, ‘Can I come today? Can I come and visit you today?’
And I’d love to say the answer is always yes, I have had a ‘no’ once. I asked the waterfall, ‘can I come and see you today?’ And it said, ‘no’.
I was already driving there and I was like, ‘What? What’d you mean I can’t come, I’m already going there.’
And so, I ignored it. I was like, ‘ I’m going anyway. I’m sure the ‘no’ was a mistake’.
So arrogant…
Anyway, I got to the waterfall and it was closed.
Because of lockdown they’d shut access to the waterfall down. So I couldn’t go and visit that day.
It’s the only time I’ve ever had a ‘no’ from nature.
When I can visit, as I go down to this waterfall, just as you walk to the river to walk alongside the river, to walk to the waterfall, there’s these two amazing trees. They’re like guardian trees.
And so I will ask them, I will say ‘hello’ to them or give them an offering.
And when you go into nature, do the same thing. Communicate with the land if you want to feel the magick, because the magick is all about creating relationship.
If you know where you’re going, tell the land ahead of time; ‘I’m coming. I’m on my way. Is that okay?’
When you get there, have a look to see if there are any guardians.
For where I’m going today, there’s these huge Redwood trees. And it’s really quite unusual because the rest of the trees are moss covered yews and more native trees to this country, but there’s these two guardian redwoods that are enormous.
But maybe there’s a rock. Maybe there’s a cave you go through. Maybe there’s just an extra patch of flowers… say ‘hello’, leave an offering.
Making an offering to nature
An offering doesn’t have to be anything significant, expensive or complicated.
It could be a pebble you found as you walked there, it could be your breath. It could be a ‘thank you’. It could be a ‘hello’. Sometimes I leave a strand of hair.
Don’t leave plastic. Don’t leave coins. Don’t leave clooties because usually the ribbons we leave are full of plastic. And none of that is very good for nature.
But you can even offering of your words, your favourite poem, a thought, a thank you.
Anything like that, or just a breath. ‘I offer you this breath’.
And that’s as simple as it can be.
Becoming intentional creates better realtionships, always
And when you set that intention, when you become more intentional, that’s when you’re going to have a deeper relationship with magick, and that’s when you can have a deeper relationship with nature.
But in answer to your question; how do you manifest more magick in nature? You’re already doing it. Everybody is already doing it. Because you can’t not be connected with the magick of nature when you’re in nature, it’s just about becoming more intentional.
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Unleash your true power and magick by embracing nature’s cycle of growth
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How to manifest magick in nature
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This question was answered in a longer Q&A I recorded for the magickal community in December 2022 Question answered between 0.00 - 15 mins 40 secs of the videoKeys points: Magick is who you are not what you do When you feel overwhelmed it's often because you've...