How Kinesiology Cleared Up My Eczema

How Kinesiology Cleared Up My Eczema

When I was growing up, I was painfully shy.

I remember being about 6 years old and hiding behind chairs when my Mum tried to introduce me to people.

It didn’t get easier.

I used to absolutely hate those days at school when you had to perform anything to do with music and drama, in fact I think they were the only days I had off ‘sick’.

Even when I was about 20 years old, making phone calls terrified me, and I’d try and get other people to make them on my behalf.

This really changed for me, around that age when my body screamed NO, NO MORE!


Suddenly out of nowhere, after never even having a spot as a teenager, my skin erupted into the worst eczema I’ve ever seen.


Seemingly overnight, my face, my arms, and legs were bright red, shiny, weeping and very, very sore.

After going to the doctors, and his first words being to me ‘Oh my, you have it bad’, I just burst into tears. I did have it bad, and it really hurt.

I was prescribed anti-biotics, steroid creams and had to wash in emollients.

My skin remained red, sore and weepy.

I remember walking down the street in winter, and people staring at me as my face was so red, I looked burnt.

I tried elimination diets, no wheat, no sugar and no difference.

I’d take handfuls of vitamins, oils, and aloe vera juice and still no change.

After months, I finally took the advice of a friend to visit a Kinesiologist – whatever one of them was…

I have to admit, I was completely sceptical. I’d never even heard of kinesiology before, but nothing else was working. I had nothing to lose, and I was running out of options.

The Kinesiologist was really nice, but what she was doing made absolutely no sense to me.

Wiggle my arm. Think this thought. Wiggle my arm some more. Now think a different thought.

Wiggle my arm, place this on my stomach. Wiggle my arm some more.

And so, the session went on.

I was to later learn, that the ‘wiggling’ my arm was her testing the integrity of my muscle in the presence of a stressor, a thought, phrase, or substance. But at the time it just seemed ridiculous.

I left there rolling my eyes and wondering what on earth I could try next.


But…. My skin started to clear up! Even as sceptical as I was, I couldn’t dismiss this as a coincidence!


At first it didn’t completely clear up. But it stopped weeping, and to me that was amazing! I’d been having to change my clothes two or three times a day, and now I didn’t.

At the time I thought to myself that I didn’t care if I stayed bright red, it was the weeping skin that was the most painful and inconvenient for me.

So I went back and finished the course of treatment and my skin has never flared up again – I’m now 42!

But not only did my skin clear up, I felt more connected to myself. It was hard to explain, but I felt more ‘in my body’, more present that I ever had before.

I also felt more confident in myself and my choices.

I just felt different, more me.

I was so amazed, that it had worked; I hadn’t wanted to go, but felt I had run out of options, I thought it was a load of rubbish, and never believed it was going to work, and yet despite all of that, it still worked. I had to know how, so I signed up on the very next course.

Still, after all this time, Kinesiology never fails to amaze me.

Pinpointing age-old issues for people and getting right to the core of an issue.


Things in life aren’t very often caused by what we think they are.


We want a nice tidy answer, so that we can ‘fix’ the symptoms and move on with our life.

Just like when I went to the Doctors with my skin issue, I wanted a pill or a cream to fix it, and when it didn’t, I was unsure of what to do next.

In my mind, the Doctor was supposed to be able to fix me, and if they couldn’t I hadn’t realised there were other avenues available for me.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am super grateful for Doctors, their training and their knowledge. There have been times in my life where medical intervention has probably saved me, and my little boy, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Yet, there are other ways that I’ve learnt to take responsibility for myself and my health, knowing that I can’t always rely on current methods of health care.

But that’s the great thing about being alive today, we can explore both.

As humans we’re complicated, intricate and oh so messy.

One thing I’ve learned after decades of working with thousands and thousands of clients, is there is no ‘one-size’ fits all, and no magic bullet.

When people come to me with a symptom, even if it’s a symptom I’ve seen time-and-time again, the way that it’s resolved is different for every person, because every person is different, with their own unique set of experiences, traumas, and beliefs.


The reason the symptom is showing up is unique to them, and never because of just one thing.


Many of my clients initially came to see me with conditions such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and eczema because they thought allergies were causing their symptoms. In the huge majority of cases, however, they had underlying emotional issues they needed to resolve, not another food they needed to avoid.

The body is a sensitive piece of equipment. When you think you’re suppressing an emotion – a disappointment or a hurt feeling – your body remembers. It also remembers every time you say “yes” when you really want to say “no”, and every time you smile when all you really want to do is cry.

It was more socially acceptable for the women who came to see me to have an irritated bowel that they couldn’t control until it exploded, than it was for them to lose control over themselves and let the words they really wanted to say explode from their mouths.

Their suppressed words, feelings and emotions found another way to be expressed (or rather expelled) from their bodies.

When I explained this situation to my clients, I was invariably met with mixed emotions.

I saw relief that they could finally put words to their situation.

I saw guilt at being unhappy even with all they had.

I saw sadness at not having honoured their true desires and callings.

I saw frustration for all the time they felt they’d wasted.

I saw overwhelm at the thought of what they now had to do.

I saw anger at themselves for not having done this sooner.

I saw annoyance at their parents/partner/society for having placed these expectations on them.

I saw confusion as to how this could possibly have happened to them.

And – perhaps not surprisingly – I saw exhaustion at the number of emotions they were suddenly allowing themselves to feel.

Of course, I can totally relate to this. Why?


Because I was one of these women too!


I was smart, educated, open and aware. Yet somehow, I still fell into the trap of living my life the way I’d been taught was ‘right’… even though, at the time, I was convinced I was living on my own terms.

And yet there I was with my angry, weeping skin.

I thought I needed a pill, or to eliminate a food group.

But what I actually needed was to heal unresolved anger at events from my childhood that had been triggered by circumstances in my twenties.

The anger that I’d repressed for decades was quite literally burning through my skin. Apparently, it was ‘easier’ to deal with the eczema than it was to face the truth of my emotions, and the reality of my past situation.

I needed to acknowledge what I really wanted in life.

I needed to reconnect to the truth of who I was and stop restricting myself with limiting beliefs that no longer served me.

I had to create a life on my own terms, not the life that others expected me to live.

The words sound so easy when I say them like that. But little did I realise that when I said ‘No, not this life anymore’, I opened up the powerful thought of ‘If not this, then what?’

And so, my inner journey began.

Fast forward twenty years, and I had to wonder why so many intelligent women were turning up at my clinic with the same underlying issue.

What had disconnected so many women from their truth so completely that the only way their inner selves could communicate with them was by creating bodily symptoms that they just couldn’t ignore?


We live in a world that’s saturated with the idea of how life should be. There’s little room to celebrate true diversity and individual expression.


From the youngest of ages, we’re taught (usually at an unconscious level) the behaviours that society expects from us. We’re taught the roles we should live, and how we should contribute to our family, friends and community. It comes through in comments from the adults around us. Comments like…

“Children should be seen and not heard.”

“Good girls don’t xxx.”

“That’s women’s work.”

“Calm down.”

“You’d be prettier if you smiled.”

But more specifically, we’re told that how we should behave and what we should aspire to depends on whether we were born male or female.

“Why are girls so emotional?”

“You’re so high-maintenance.”

“Big boys don’t cry.”

“You do xxx well… for a girl.”

“Does your husband mind that you make more money than him?”

“You’re so lucky that your husband helps out with the kids.”


These seemingly throw-away comments seep into our subconscious minds and influence how we think we should behave. All this is further compounded by the seemingly innocent (but often gender-biased) stories we’re told growing up, along with the films we watch and the toys we play with.

And the media we consume as adults continues to reinforce these beliefs and patterns. We’re basically surrounded by them.

Many women long to contribute creatively to society. They want to heal their families, their communities and the planet they live on. They feel called to co-create better lives for themselves and those around them.

Meanwhile, they’ve been taught to work for – to create and honour – security over passion.

But this will never fully satisfy them. How can it? They’re trying to find value in some kind of external security, rather than developing their own internal resources and inner sense of security.

They know deep inside that they’re here for a reason, and that they have a sacred soul-purpose. Yet they haven’t been taught the language to decipher this inner knowing. They don’t understand how to make it tangible.

Instead, they make choices that compromise their passions. They feel obligated to create financial security for themselves and their families above all else, which leaves them unsatisfied and searching for greater meaning. Then add to this the primal need we all have to fit in… and it can be hugely difficult to truly break from the expectations of their families, friends, and spiritual and religious communities.

However, becoming aware of these limiting patterns, stories and beliefs can help them – and you – to break free from those influences. It can help you to consciously create your life and choose how you express yourself.

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How do you say that? My Journey as a kinesiologist

How do you say that? My Journey as a kinesiologist

How do you say that... My journey as a Kinesiologist

20+ years ago I started work at a thriving Natural Health Centre, practising the energy therapy kinesiology; the art of using muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body’s energy system. 

At the time most people had never heard of kinesiology, and I was often met with ‘How do you say that?’, or ‘What’s that. I’ve never heard of it before.’ And despite this being unknown to many people, I still was often booked months in advance, just through word of mouth referrals. 

During that time, I worked with 100s and 100s of women who displayed many symptoms such as IBS, depression/low mood, not feeling quite right, lack of motivation or a feeling that something was missing from their lives. 

Not what they expected

They would often come to me expecting to be told that they were allergic to something, but in fact, in 90+% of cases, the root cause was emotional in nature, often a result of them consciously, or sub-consciously, hiding their true self, suppressing their dreams and desires, or resisting taking opportunities that came their way. 

They’d been doing this for so long that they had often become resentful or had actually forgotten what it was that truly lit them up. 

They may have been trying to continue living their life the way that they felt they ‘should’, doing what others expected of them, or even sabotaging their own success! But their soul and heart’s desire never stopped trying to get their attention. 

At first, this attention often started as a niggling feeling, a small voice encouraging them to do something new, follow a dream, or dream bigger. 

However, many of my clients reported that they didn’t trust these ‘daydreams’ and they were fairly easy to ignore and dismiss, despite their persistence. 

Often when I asked my clients when their symptoms first started, it usually coincided with a significant event in their life, or a choice that they made, but they’d never realised the connection before. 

It’s my experience that when we ignore, reject, or suppress, that small voice, the niggling feeling, or our intuition, the body will send you signs that will become ‘louder and louder’, until they get your attention. 

These signs have become so persistent and so LOUD that they have resulted in breakdowns, where my clients have had no choice but to stop and seek external help – that’s when they came to see me. 

However, it’s not always so extreme. 

Perhaps you always get a cold or sore throat when you are about to uplevel an aspect of your life. Maybe you cause an argument when your relationship is going well. 

One client would insist on working all hours, even though she was exhausted, saying that ‘she didn’t have time to stop.’ And every time she ignored the cries from her body, she would end up in bed for over a week with sciatica, and no choice, but to rest! 

When I first opened my practice people would come to see me and tell me I was their ‘last hope’. 

As time went on, these clients, now symptom free, would then come back for routine tune-ups to ensure that everything was running smoothly and to nip issues in the bud to make sure that symptoms didn’t return. 

Fast Forward 20 years… and include 1000s of additional clients and experience, plus many more hours honing my own skills and expertise, I now work remotely so I can work with people all over the world, from the comfort of their own home. 

20 years later, my practice still sees the concerns of IBS etc, but the women who I work with now, have a much greater awareness of energy work and the correlation of symptoms expressed by the body as being a sign of an internal energetic imbalance. 

Today, I often hear that women are doing the internal work, but still feel as if they’re going around in circles, that they’ve lost their drive, lack passion and purpose, all of which causes them to feel down and often powerless. 

Basically, they feel disconnected. 


Disconnected from themselves, their soul path, and the world around them. 

What I can do, and after all these years I’m very, very good (just see the testimonials!), is use my skills as a kinesiologist to quickly and easily identify the repeating and non-serving patterns that are playing out and causing these symptoms. Once identified, I re-balance your system using a wide range of energy healing tools. 

Although this is quick and easy (as in no pain, but maybe a few tears and some laughter), this is DEEP – right to the heart of the matter work. 

When these patterns are re-balanced my clients re-discover who they are at the core of their being – their fully expressed Divine SHEro Goddess, Wild Woman self. 

Not only do the symptoms seemingly disappear, but the ripple effects of this work permeates throughout all areas of your life, creating space for powerful shifts in a way that feels fully supported and safe. 

What happens in our inner lives shapes our outer realities 

Since 2000 I have been working with clients, using the energy therapy Kinesiology, to help them find clarity, remove blocks, become unstuck. 

I love supporting my clients by helping them to release what no longer serves them. When you can let go of the patterns that have been holding you back, you are then ready to move forward with your life. 

Kinesiology With Rebecca Has Changed My Life.

I have a new found confidence which continues to grow and have more meaning in my life. My life had moved on in two months working with Rebecca than it had in the previous 2 years.”  Susan Leadbeater, Staffordshire, UK 


If you can relate, feel disconnected to yourself and life, or want an energetic tune-up I recommend you start with my ‘ART of Being You’ energy-clearing meditations. 


I’ve put together a collection of energy-clearing meditations to support you with the ART of being more you! 

These meditations bring together my 20 years of experience working as a transformations kinesiologist and my love of all things practical. They are around 8-10 minutes long and filled with energy clearings so that you can release old patterns that no longer serve you. 

I wanted to make these super accessible and have made them Pay What You Can (click here to learn my selfish reason they’re pay what you can). 

Rebecca Is A Highly Gifted Healer And Guide Who Is Deeply Connected To The Emerging Challenges Of Women On The Path Home To Their Truth.

Her depth of wisdom and clarity of insight provide safe and sure treading as we journey back to our SHEro selves and reclaim our full power. 

Through working with Rebecca I have been able to ground down in my power and find access to a reservoir of wise guidance that has led to massive progress and deep peace in my life. Her accuracy, understanding and love filled guidance is soothing and profound to receive; this women will elevate you and speed your journey beyond what you may perceive as possible. 

Working with Rebecca is an investment in decades of wisdom refined that will align your more deeply with yourself and swiftly remove the hidden barriers to your full emergence. 

I truly have deep admiration and soul appreciation for Rebecca, and honour her work as deeply significant for the progress of our worldwide sisterhood.”  Lysa Black, New Zealand 


Rebecca is a genuine ally to have on your life’s journey. 

I was introduced to Rebecca through a friend who saw my inner turmoil holding me back and she was kind enough to pay for my first session as a gift to me. 

That gift helped me change my life. 

My first session with Rebecca was amazing! I didn’t know what to expect but was open to it and when we began I was floored by the information she was able to touch upon and bring up. I felt a wave of emotion that I didn’t expect and was crying while my body had tingles and I felt my heart vibrating. It was a strange and unusual sensation to have but I felt clearer once our session ended. 

She provided great insights that helped me to clear up energetic and emotional blockages I have had for years. It was as if my mind, body and soul were finally in alignment. Since then I have had two other sessions with her and my life has found a flow that I have never known possible as I have moved on to start two businesses, develop a positive relationship with money, build up my relationships and use my true voice in the world with confidence.  Angelique Duncan 


Rebecca Is An Incredible Healer With An Almost Magical Ability To Pin Point What Blocks Are Wreaking Havoc With You And What Needs To Be Done To Release Them.   

She is able to facilitate their release in a quick and effective manner that will leave you feeling clearer and lighter.  Her insight during this process is invaluable and spot on.  She is powerful and straight to the point while holding compassionate and joyful sacred space for you.  I always call her when I’m dealing with stubborn blocks I can’t shift on my own and I love that with her we can just get in and get it done and I can get back to my magical self.  Ruby Toad, Canada 

How do you say that... My journey as a Kinesiologist