YOU ARE The Magic

YOU ARE The Magic

I absolutely love magical tools.


I have a particular love of cauldrons… I won’t even admit to how many I have…


I’ve made wands, incense fans, and brooms.


My favourite tools are the ones I have for divination; Oracle and tarot decks, and I’ve even made my own decks, runes, and Ogham staves, and I have 100’s (and 100’s and 100’s…) of charms for charmcasting.


I have crystals and herbs, and oils.


I love to use them in my spell work and magic.


And yet…


You don’t need any of them.


The tools are great to have.


They’re fun to work with.


People often think that they need the tools to do their magical work.


But the tools aren’t magic.

YOU are magic.


The tools are there to help you connect with and direct your energy in your magical workings, but it’s you who brings the magic.


You bring the magic to everything you do and every tool you use.


You don’t have magic bestowed upon you.


You don’t earn magic.


You can’t buy magic.


You don’t access magic because you’re using a sacred tool such as the oracle cards, runes, or a wand.

You bring the magic, because you are the magic.


The tools, rituals or ceremonies may help you to access your magic, but it’s always there inside of you.


Your magic is always present, you just need to dismantle any beliefs or experiences that have hidden or removed you away from this truth.


There’s often fear or uncertainty around magic.


Misunderstandings about what magic is.


People thinking, they have to be born into magic, have a magical lineage, or have special skills.


But magic is just the ability to tap into the rhythms that flow around you and within you.


Of course, some people may access their magic with greater ease than others, just like some people may naturally connect to their intuition easily, but both are available to everyone.


And that’s why magic is a practice… because you need to practice.


Practice connecting to your own inner power.


Practice trusting your own power.


Practice connecting to the world around you.


Practicing knowing yourself deeply.


Practice connecting to your magic.


Practice expressing your magic.

Magic is the ability to change or influence the world around you.


Magic is created by accessing, trusting, and using inner power.


Magic is a co-creation between you and the world around you.


A creation of how you connect with, and work with, the world around you.


Your quality of energy and connection to your own inner magic, will influence the quality of energy and magic you bring to, and express, in the world.


A ‘so-so’ connection with, belief in, and trust of, your own magic, will inevitably create ‘so-so’ results.


A clear and confident connection with your own magic, will create clear and confident results.


You have everything within you to create the perfect magic for you.


People may have tried to convince you otherwise but it’s simply not true – you are the magic, you bring the magic, and you make magic happen.


To access your magic, you don’t need to call yourself a Witch, a Wizard, a Fairy, a Unicorn, or any other title.


You don’t need to dance naked under the moonlight, but that is kinda fun!


You don’t need to follow a particular path or believe in Goddesses or Gods.


You don’t need to be anything other than you.


And you don’t need to do anything other than what feels right and aligned for you.


Perhaps someone proudly claims the title ‘Witch’, and celebrates every Full Moon, New Moon, and Sabbat.


Perhaps the word ‘Witch’ makes someone else squirm, and they have no idea what phase of the moon we’re in, and no idea what a Sabbat is.


Neither of these people are better or more magical than the other.


Both have access to their magic; all they have to do is claim it.


Just like all you have to do is claim yours!


You are the magic.


Don’t let anyone, ever tell you anything different.


Just as Glinda the Good Witch, from The Wizard of Oz, says:


“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”

A FREE GIFT for you:

Receive my ‘Feeling Connected’ Energy Clearing meditation.

Come back to centre and align with your own path in life, so that you can remember your unique blend of magic!

Feel deeply connected to yourself so that you can remember who you were before the world told you who it wanted you to be.

(‘Name a fair price’ of ‘$0’ below and receive the meditation via email from a system called Gumroad. You can even download the Gumroad app and listen to the meditation directly from your phone)

How to Remember Your Magic

How to Remember Your Magic

You are the magic.


There is no-one in the world like you.


No-one with your thoughts, your experiences, or your ideas and dreams.


There is no-one who sees the world exactly as you do, and that is your magic.


It’s easy to forget this magic and this unique essence that you bring to the world, as the world is always telling you who you should be, how you should think, how you should behave, even what you should dream and desire.


Society, culture, even your family, can be so adamant at the way it wants you to show up, that you can feel ‘wrong’, disconnected or rejected when you don’t conform.


But just like with an English country garden, you don’t tell the daisy off for not being as big as the sunflower.


Or demand that the honeysuckle smell like the lavender.


Or scowl when the roses bloom different colours.


We know that would be madness.


The country garden is beautiful because of the rich variety of shapes, colours, sizes, and fragrances.


Nothing is better than the other, they all bring their own beauty and magic.


You might prefer the glorious sunflower, but that doesn’t make the daisy wrong, bad or misguided.


That’s just your personal preference.


The same is true of life.


The world is much richer and more delightful when everyone shows up as their true self, in all their magnificent varieties of beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and passions.


You’re not wrong for not being like someone else.


You’re certainly not wrong for not conforming to someone else’s idea or how you should look, behave, or think.


When you find yourself doubting yourself, comparing yourself to another, or playing small to make other people feel more comfortable, it’s time for you to remember YOUR MAGIC!



9 Ways to Remember Your Magic


1. Notice what lights you up

Pay attention to your energy.
What lights you up; people places, activities. What pulls your energy forward and makes you feel expansive? Do more of those things.


2. Become more curious

There’s always more than one way to do things, there’s always more than one reason behind a behaviour. Step out of judgement and become more curious about yourself and the world around you.


3. Make the time and space to daydream

Daydreaming isn’t frivolous or wasted time. It’s a time to reconnect to your dreams, to step into a world of infinite possibility. It’s a time to give your intellect a rest, so you can reconnect to wonder and awe once more.


4. Listen for the messages

When you pay attention and consciously look for something, you begin to notice more of it (did someone say red cars! Now see how many you spot…), the same is true for your intuitive insight and nudges from the universe. When you start to look and listen for the messages, you begin to notice more of them around you.


5. Spend time in nature

When you spend time in nature, not only is it good for you on all levels of your being, but it reconnects you to the natural cycles of life. Especially if you live somewhere that has obvious seasons. It’s easier for you to understand how these natural rhythms of growth, harvest and completion show up in your life too.


6. Trust yourself

The more you can reconnect with your truth, the more you can say what you mean and do what you say, you begin to trust yourself more, as you become a person of your word – you become trustworthy. When you trust yourself more, you become less ruled by fear and the judgements of others.


7. Do things that bring you joy

Everyday do something that brings you joy. Step into the expansiveness and openness that joy brings you. If you’re stuck for ideas, think back to what your 6, 7, or 8-year old self would’ve delighted in, and then go do that.


8. Spend time with people who lift you up

It’s important to spend time with people who get you, who understand you, and who celebrate you for who you are, and not who they want you to be. Feel the love and support of people who encourage you to go after what you want in life, and who will support you through the challenges.


9. Commit to being more you

Be more you! What does it mean to be more you? How can you show up and express more of the values and the feelings that you want front and centre of your life? It’s important to be more you, so that you’re clear on who you are and what you want from life, so that you’re more resilient to other people’s judgements and expectations of you. It’s important to be more you, so that you can remember you’re you magic with certainty and clarity!

A FREE GIFT for you:

Receive my ‘Feeling Connected’ Energy Clearing meditation.

Come back to centre and align with your own path in life, so that you can remember your unique blend of magic!

Feel deeply connected to yourself so that you can remember who you were before the world told you who it wanted you to be.

(‘Name a fair price’ of ‘$0’ below and receive the meditation via email from a system called Gumroad. You can even download the Gumroad app and listen to the meditation directly from your phone)