Break the SPELL and Change Your Story

Break the SPELL and Change Your Story

I don’t know about you, but I love a good story!

Escaping into other worlds, learning more about other people’s lives, being inspired by other people’s courage, determination, and dreams.

Hours can slip past me in deep conversation or lost in a book.

Some of my favourite gifts as a child were books that I still have today, with a gorgeous hardcover of ‘Wind in The Willows’ being the first that comes to mind – and that was a gift over 30 years ago! No wonder I’m the book giving Auntie!


Stories are important

They define our worlds and are what make us who we are.

We have been sharing stories since time began.

Stories are our maps to navigate through our lives.

We tell stories to make sense of events that we experience.

We share stories to connect with other people.

We use stories to learn from each other, to inspire the next person, to show them what’s possible and what we can overcome.

Stories can inspire us and spur us on to achieve great feats… but today I want us to look at the other stories, the stories that can keep us stuck in old patterns, frustrating us, and preventing us from claiming our dreams and fulfilling our potential.

These patterns that don’t serve us, these stories that keep us stuck and believing in things that are no longer relevant or true, are what I call SPELLs.

Not SPELLs that change pumpkins into royal carriages, or mice into horses, but SPELLs that cast their enchantment over us nonetheless.


Stories can become ‘nightmares’

As we grow up, we grow out of the stories of believing in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy, but some stories we don’t grow out of, we keep them and they become our own personal mythology.

These stories go into our personal SPELLbook, and this SPELLbook governs the rules that enchant and shape our life. They are so much a part of us, that we don’t even notice when we’re invoking them.

These SPELLs are often created for a reason, as a way of protecting us, of keeping us safe when we didn’t know any better, when we didn’t have the resources, knowledge or understanding to make different choices.

For over two decades I’ve been working with (mainly) women who are ready to change an area of their life – sometimes all of it… and at the heart of these changes is the need to break these SPELLs that have been set up/cast over them.

SPELLs that make them feel that they’re not good enough, are unloveable, are too much or not enough, the SPELL’s that keep them thinking they don’t have any power.

SPELLs are often set up in childhood, SPELLs are cast over us by the media, and SPELLs are kept in place by society and expectations…

I want to tell you that you that it’s totally possible to break these SPELLs! And it can be easy.


You can control the narrative

I want to remind you that you DO HAVE the power, you ARE more than good enough, you are totally loveable just as you are.

I want you to know that you are PERFECT in your imperfectness!

This isn’t about changing you, or fixing you! How can it be, you’re already perfect and you are certainly not broken.

This is about helping you to remember exactly who you are!

Watch the video that explains more about this process (and if you know me… you know I love an acronym… and yes of course ‘SPELL’ is one too)


Discover your Happily Ever After…

Then if you are ready to Break the SPELLs and Change Your Story, simply START HERE

Are you eating the poisoned apple?

Are you eating the poisoned apple?

What can a 200 year old tale teach you about reclaiming your own power?

Quite a bit it seems…

Discovering that she was no longer the fairest in the land, the evil Step-Mother wanted to ‘right’ this ‘wrong’. Making a poisonous brew she dipped a red apple in it, and set out to deliver her plan.

Disguising herself as an old lady, she tracked down Snow White, who was hiding from her in cottage deep in the forest.

Going against her first instincts not to let the old woman in her cottage, Snow White did, and accepted the gift of the bright, shiny apple.

Once she took a bite of the apple, Snow White collapsed to the floor, falling into a deep sleep.

When the seven dwarfs returned home, they were so distressed at seeing Snow White laying on the floor that they built her a glass coffin, and laid her in front of their cottage.

Most people are familiar with the tale of Sleeping Beauty. The beautiful, and innocent maiden, who fell prey to the jealousy of another.

You might not be living in exile in a cottage in the woods with 7 dwarfs… but is there an aspect of yourself, or your life, that that you’re running away from or avoiding?


Once Upon a Time: A Wicked Witch with Cabin Fever

Once Upon a Time: A Wicked Witch with Cabin Fever

The following story really happened, no names have been changed to protect the innocent or otherwise…

It was just another day at my practice, I had a diary full of characters looking for answers, and I was ready to work my magic as I had been doing for decades, but somehow today felt more magical than usual…

I go into the waiting room looking for my next client, but there’s no one there. The receptionist explains this session will be done via Skype.

‘Hello is it Ms Wicked Witch of the East?’

‘No my dear it’s pronounced Wick-ay, it’s a silent ‘d’, I’ve no idea what my parents were thinking, but it’s better than ‘Maleficent’ that they were considering, it’s so common these days’.

‘Oh I’m sorry’, I say blushing at my mistake, ‘How can I help you today?’

‘Well my Dear, ever since a terrible incident a few years ago, I’ve not been able to go outside.’


Once Upon a Time: Snow White – Bored and Beautiful

Once Upon a Time: Snow White – Bored and Beautiful

The following story really happened, no names have been changed to protect the innocent or otherwise…

It was just another day at my practice, I had a diary full of clients looking for answers, and I was ready to work my magic as I had been doing for decades, but somehow today felt more magical than usual.

When I first saw my client Ms S. White, I was instantly struck by her beauty. She was breath-taking, but as I looked closer, I could see a deep sadness in her eyes.

She appeared to glide into my room, and she gracefully sat down, crossing her ankles in such a way, it looked as if she was posing for a magazine shoot.

‘Rebecca’ she said in such a gentle and melodious voice, that I imagined she could summon the birds and animals, ‘I’ve come to see you because I feel like something is missing from my life, I feel like I want more, but I can’t really put it into words’.


Once Upon a Time: Red Riding Hood – Dating a Wolf

Once Upon a Time: Red Riding Hood – Dating a Wolf

The following story really happened, no names have been changed to protect the innocent or otherwise…

It was just another day at my practice, I had a diary full of characters looking for answers, and I was ready to work my magic as I had been doing for decades, but somehow today felt more magical than usual…

‘Ms Hood, please take a seat’, I said as I welcomed my first client of the day into my room.

‘Red, call me Red, my real name is Bethany, but my Grandma always called me Red and it’s kinda stuck.’

‘How can I help you today Red?’

‘Oh I just don’t know really, I’m not even sure why I’m here’ she trailed off…

I was just about to ask a question, when she wailed:
